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Re-set my July Quit Day

I have re-set my July Quit Day from July 1st to July 15th. I need to re-evaluate my triggers and prepare better. This decision was made after much consideration. I am going to start my Chantix prescription next week and gradually taper off the two weeks prior to Quit Day.
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2 Replies

Hi Amy...I read you post - and your previous post. You were in a panic just anticipating your quit date; should you re-evaluate it; reschedule it ??? Oh - The dilemma !! So you re-set your quit date. I have to be honest with you (and I'm not judging - it's just that I've been where you are !!) until you make a definite commitment in YOUR mind to quit - you won't !!! All the patches, gum, lozenges, prescriptions in the world won't do a darn thing for you, unless your mind is in on the program, and you understand you are ADDICTED !! I see your picture - you're a beautiful woman !! Is it impossible for you to get to the nitty-gritty and admit you are an addict; our addiction is nicotine, not heroin, or crack, or meth..."we" don't "do""that" sort of thing ! Kicking the addiction to nicotine is harder than getting off heroin or cocaine !! It's a social addiction, as well as a physical and mental addiction.
I really suggest you get honest with your self - cutting back gradually is feeding that addiction with every puff you take !! You will get all the support you can use here - I love these forums!!
Writing all this to you just got me through a massive urge to smoke; see, today is my quit day !! 5 hours and counting !! Thanks !!!
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Good luck on your new date. I hope the Chantix leaves you feeling a bit less anxious when your new quit date is approaching. You have the fundamentals down. You can do this thing! I'll keep you posted as to how I'm doing in my quit. I have a really positive attitude, so lets see if it helps----an experiment of sorts! LOL I'll be cheering for you!
You can do it! RA RA RA
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