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Give and get support around quitting


Parents of 20 Somethings

I Love this concept.  Whenever I get totally stressed by one of them, I just am grateful that they don't live with me and are 500 miles away. 

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44 Replies

Wow, this is just what the doctor ordered for me. Thanks! My 20 year old daughter is my biggest trigger and stressor. I pray a lot and hope things will get better. I do not want to let go of my new quit. I want this to be my final quit. I think it is good to know we are not alone.  Thanks so much Dawn



   I would really like this group to take off. I have had some MAJOR heartache with my daughter in the last 6 years.  If at some point I can “talk” about that in this group, I know it could only help.  Every time I quit in the past, the ONLY time I went back to smoking was child related stress….horrible stress.  I know I will be able to share more of my story with all of you…but that will take time.  This group might actually help…but I sure hope we have fun as well!! We all know misery LOVES company!  To know that I have the support of other non-smokers on this site is what has kept me going for 200+ days. NOW, if I can get the same people help me get through my children's 20 something years...that will help me get through the rest of my life!!




  Please make sure you suggest this group to your friends. If the members don’t participate there really is no point in maintaining the group.


  Remember, you can do this quit if you choose to…YOU CAN DO IT!! Stay Strong people!

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Ooo, I might be a downer for the rest of you.  One of my kids is 40 and the other 35.  They really are good guys and self supporting and mostly like me, but sure do know how to push my buttons.

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Member worries...we are right behind you! You must stay & teach us something! 🙂 lol...yeah that will help!!

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My 22-year-old daughter, Sarah, is starting her senior year in college and has always been such a joy to us. She's a great student and all around good kid - generally speaking. This summer she spent at home studying and working. ADJUSTMENT! Just as I was getting used to her schedule, her opinions and her special food requests, etc., it was time for her to go back to school. Did I mention she's ALWAYS RIGHT, regardless of the subject? She is. It's amazing. I never knew how dumb I was until Sarah came home to live with us again. Son Jay is ALOT different, but he's a topic for another day. Here's to another smoke-free day as parents....God help us. 

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Lucky you yaya. I have a 20 year old and a 21 year old still under my roof. Lord please grant me patience and help me remember that this too shall pass. I try to remember how lovable they were when they were little. Lots of happy memories I think the world these days makes it so hard for our children to find there way. I also think we try with the best intentions to set them up for success and sometimes that just seems to backfire and they just want more more more. Oh well cheers and heres to our offspring growing up and moving forward. We will stay strong in our quit no matter what.

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Since I am very new to this group thing... just did it today & never really looked at a group before...I thought I would start a discussion. If you look to the right of the posts on this page, there is a link you can click that says.... wait for it...

Group discussion  or you can go just beneath the comment section and look for discussions there.

Imagine that!! 🙂

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YAYA, 35 and 40?/  Please don't tell me mine will still come back!!! Just say: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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