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Out of the Ashes Book

"Smokers do not become non-smokers, they become ex-smokers. The distinction is crucial. Non-smokers are people who do not want to smoke. They have never smoked, and have no interest in it whatsoever. ex-smokers on the other hand, do want to smoke. It's just that they want to stop smoking even more. I will never be a non-smoker. I will always have cravings, at least once in a while. But if I understand that these occasional feelings are the only alternative to smoking, I can treat them as a small price to pay for the freedom, better health and peace of mind that I get from not smoking.

A desire to smoke is not a command which must be followed. Just because I want to smoke, that doesn't mean I have to smoke. My craving is a feeling like any other. I can act on it, or choose not to. There is no such thing as an overwhelming desire to smoke."



I, (your name), hereby give myself permission to Stop Smoking and to be 100 percent healthy. I deserve, create, and have health and happiness in my life. I believe in myself and my ability to quit smoking right here, right now. I do my affirmations regularly. I take responsibility for health and body. I find and employ ways to improve my health daily. I enjoy relaxing, meditating, and exercising. I love myself unconditionally. I accept and approve of myself. I allow myself to be me. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy, to the good of all parties concerned.

My health is improving daily. The desire to smoke becomes less and less every day, until it completely leaves my body. I enjoy being a non-smoker. I enjoy a smoke-free environment. My body and mind now totally accept this affirmation as a statement of truth. I am peaceful. Every cell, nerve, tissue, and muscle of my lungs and my whole body is now healing and becoming 100 percent healthy. I enjoy being and now am smoke-free. I believe in myself and my ability to be smoke-free. I easily refuse cigarettes or any form of tobacco, to the good of all parties concerned.

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26 Replies

Thanks Cosmo.  

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Here'a thought.....I'll bet soon we will have groups meeting in our areas, just like AA meetings at churches and what not.  For those of us that need some face to face, meetings with humans who care!  The computer is great because you don't have to go anywhere, but there are times I would like to get together with people going through the same thing!  Let's all work on that in our communities!

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Greetings all, tomorrow morning will be my first morning of my quit date. I am feeling anxious about it, thought joining a group of people might help. I look forward to reading your blogs and gaining inspiration.

light and life to all,


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Hi, I'm Jeanie.  I quit smoking 1/22/10 at the Mayo Nicotine Dependancy Center.  I love the book "Out of the Ashes".  It really helped get my thinking straight those first few days and still does.

Here is a an affirmation:  "I now release anything and everything that no longer serves my unfolding good."

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I've been away for a bit (I slipped back into smoking) but I'm here again and back on track smoke free. It's so awesome to catch up on everyone's comments! Hello everyone! Anyone been engaging in mindfullness, attending Nicotine Anonymous Meetings, picking up new healthy activities, reading any helpful books, etc? Please share, I'd love to hear how you're staying smoke free!

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Good Morning Everyone!

Today I opened up the Out of the Ashes book and landed on page 218. Here is the daily reflection:


Smoking is a way of not feeling.

To stop smoking is to open myself up to feelings--good and bad. A barrier is removed from between myself and others--a mixed blessing. It makes it possible to feel at peace with myself, and with the larger reality I am part of.

Today, instead of focusing on "not smoking" (a non-action), I will instead strive to feel my feelings without judgement, and to be open to what is going on around me.

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I know this is an old post but thought I would bring it forward for newcomers to read . There is lot of good information from this book helpful to a quit . On the old old Q we had a group discussion on different passages from this book . If anyone likes extra reading , I highly recommend this book as another tool for your quit . 

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