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Give and get support around quitting


November Quitters

Wish me luck as I wish you luck!
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Hi Everyone, Today is day 5. So far it has all been good. Last night I dreamed I smoked and ruined my quit. How about if all month we all check in once a day and say how we are doing? Have a good day, Ciny
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Well tomorrow Nov. 8th is my quit date. I've had it set for a few weeks now and have been trying to separate myself from triggers. I've gone from 30 cigarettes a day to about 10 (but granted it took a lot of work and time). I started Chantix on Nov. 1st. I've noticed my cravings have subsided. Although I'm SO ANXIOUS about tomorrow. Thought it would be best to quit on weekend when I'm not dealing with stress of work! Only side effects I've noticed of Chantix is that every night I've had a lot of dreams. Nothing bad or too strange - in fact I love analyzing dreams so I can tell you why I had each's just odd for me to have so many EVERY night. Good luck to you all!!!
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I am quitting on the 15th of this month using the Nicotine Patch. I have used them before and quit for three months. I am ready to quit again and this time for good. I have customers to visit and I am tired of smelling like smoke. I am taking a week of vacation dedicated just to kicking this habit. Any advice from anyone on who to get rid of the smell from my house and car would be great. Good luck everyone!!!
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I am new here and decided after the past couple of days that I need more support than I am getting. I started Champix on November 1st and November 15 is my quit date. I have identified my triggers and am working on them. The first thing I did was cut back to 1/2 of what I was smoking. Now I am struggling more than ever with staying cut back. I have had urges to smoke which when I first started on the medication, I didn't. I can tell this is not going to be easy and it is also not the first time I have quit. But I want this to be my last.
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My quit date is November 10th-my daughter and grand-daughter is coming home about the 1st of next month from Germany and I will have the house ready,not to mention that it won't smell like smoke. I am so excited!!!
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I quit those nasty cigs after 30 years - on May 2, 2007. Never looked back, had hard times and easy times and I firmly want to tell all of you - give it time. Do WHATEVER you must do to NOT put one of those stupid things in your mouth cause the really good news is that every day - I mean EVERY DAY - I DO NOT THINKI ABOUT CIGARETTES EVER. It took about a month to drop the habit. I invite anyone to ask me anything - I was a hardcore smoker who thought I could never quit. I am happy and healthy and the thought of smoking is like flying an airplane.....couldn't do either if you paid me.
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My quit date is Thanksgiving day. I've started working on it now: cutting back from the 30 cigs a day, removed all but one ashtray (thought I could with all of them gone but not yet) and my son's photo sitting where the ashtrays used to be; candy dishes around the house, 2 jumbo jars of peanuts and 2 cans of cashews. I also took blinds down today, cleaned and put them back up. Blinds by my desk took two good soakings in hot water with Oxy Clean and 2 cups of bleach with each soaking! Vacuumed and planning on renting a carpet shampooer. This is it. I'm stronger than any cigarette (I keep chanting). Thanks to everyone here for the encouragement and support. I promise to do the same for you! We'll make it.
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Member quit date was Nov. 3, so far, so good. the mood swings have been terrible but started getting better yesterday. Since it was Fri. night instead of going out to my favorite restaurant (which has a smoking section), i asked my husband to take me to a new restaurant in town then to the local high school football game (since you can't smoke on school grounds) it was a lot of fun. we did something different and our son really enjoyed seeing his first varsity football game!
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Hey there i'm clifford! my 29th b-day is on the 17th! i've tried i don't know how many times to quit but this time, on the 18th, i'm ready to quit and become an EX!!
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My name is Melissa i just joined this group but quit on Novemeber 8th so a day so far but im trying 🙂
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