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Give and get support around quitting


Notes for Today, 8/13/2021 Discipline + Self Control

My notes on the topic. Take notes or just take note:

Where the mind goes, the man follows.  Words create thoughts, thoughts can create actions.   Just because you have a thought you do not always have to act upon it.   Invest the time and effort in yourself to do the work to quit smoking. Do the right thing to discipline yourself to have self control.  Make the sacrifices necessary in order to not smoke NMW. Give up what is causing you to stumble. You rule over your mind and body not the cigarette, vape, or chew.   You can do it. Never give up, Keep Your Eye on the Prize! Never give in Hang tough New Day, New Beginning: Do the Right Thing  Discipline One of the greatest tools you can use

Have another day WON NOPE no matter what. 

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2 Replies

These posts are so uplifting.  Thanks for taking the time to help people like me so early on in our quits. You're such a gem @JACKIE1-25-15 

There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.

You are welcome.  Hang tough, never give up.  Come here before you light up.  Never quit on your quit. 

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