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Give and get support around quitting


Notes for today,8/9/2021 Perseverance

Take notes of take note.  Here are a few blogs by elders that may help lead you on your way to persevere. 

Congratulations to all EX-smokers!  Stick with your plan, know your triggers, and remember to reach out for support if you need help!  A Recipe for a Forever Quit  A Study in Perseverance , Perseverence , Commitment & Perservence will set us Free! 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉 

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I read a post by @Turtleday1 today and thoughts of perseverance stick with me as I continue my journey.  Every day is a battle and every day I'm a little more prepared and a bit better at battling.

There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.

@Carol6  Quitting is not so much of a battle each day.  It is a lot easier if you accept the quit and let go of the fight. Embrace the quit.  Be glad about it. Breath and let it go being thankful that you no longer are practicing killing yourself.  You have not lost a thing from quitting smoking but have gained so much more. Make a list of all the benefits and focus on the wonderful life smokefree.  Here is an elder's blog that puts it in better terms than myself. Please read. Stop The Battle by  @SimplySheri  " Because when you battle cravings, you are only fighting yourself.  When you accept that cravings are going to happen, you no longer need to fight them, you just acknowledge them instead". If you have time read more of her blogs they are very inspirational that may help to change your perspective of your quit. 

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