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Notes for Today 10/6/21 Riding The Wave

Well folks, here I am again.  It has been awhile since I posted notes.  You can take notes or take note.

Early on in my quit I was taught by the elders to ride out any urge, crave, or withdrawal symptom by distracting yourself.  “Do something else that takes your mind off smoking. It helps lessen stress, or puts you in a situation where you really can not smoke."  I was given a list of over101 Things to Do Instead of Smoke  Yep, I read the list and used quite a few of the tools.  However, everything to do was/is not on the list.  After reading and researching (something I highly recommend) several other suggestions stood out for me: “mindfulness and riding the wave”.  Search those two keys words and read, read, read but for today we are talking about "riding waves".

Here I am riding on a roller coaster an elder tells me to jump in the water and ride a wave? Huh! Oh My Goodness! Go figure!  Well I did and it worked!  Imagine floating on a wave, the current going in and out.  Some may be a little rough to start but you stay afloat if you relax, breath and just ride it out. This concept makes it easier to ride out an urge, crave, or withdrawal symptom etc.  It will not last long and you will develop a skill to successfully ride it again and enjoyably so. 

Once I started riding waves instead of the roller coaster my withdrawal became my new buzz (high) shh!  For real!  It is what’s between the ears.  I thought of each urge as a cleansing and was happy to ride the waves to freedom. It felt good. My dopamine. Yay!  You can do it too. Whatever you are going through ride the wave. A wave is not an obstacle but an opportunity to learn about yourself, relax, to prove your strength and inner strength, develop new skills, and become wiser.  Practice makes perfect.  Which one do you choose?  Wave or the roller coaster?

Here are more details for you to better grasp the concept. The Push and Pull , ~Waves~ learn to ride them, not hide from them., Surf the Waves! RIDING THE CRAVE WAVE  









3 Replies

Doing my best to ride the wave

Never fear, I won't cave


Thank you for this. I believe this strategy will be a big help.


@Imdonewithyou Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first day won.

It's not to late to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  Many have found success with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful.  In addition to some aids, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit.  For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Join many  of us on the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Consider creating your own post and post to MyJournal/Blog to introduce yourself to the community and received some well deserved support. 

Stay busy and stay close.
