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No motivation to quit

hi my name is matt im 19 years old..I've been smoking on and off for aabout 3 years and right now i'm at my peak..all my friends smoke (literally) and when i party which is often they;re given out like doesnt seem to be effecting my health at all and i love the way it makes me feel..i need some motivation to stop..i know its bad for you but in what way? i go to the gym and stuff thats the only time when i run is when it seems like its effecting me// like give me some motivationnnnnnnn!
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5 Replies

Matt, stop now. Take it from a guy who started the same way you did. I was 16 years old and started smoking with my friends whenever we'd party. It started as a Friday, Saturday thing, then it became a Thursday through Sunday thing, then it was everyday. It stayed everyday until 71 days ago and I'm 34 years old now. Like everybody else on this site, we had no intention of becoming a "smoker". We figured we'd smoke in social situations and then quit whenever we were ready. It doesn't work that way. At least not for some of us. I was a state qualifier in swimming in high school and I smoked like you did so I get the whole "I'm invincible" thing. Trust me, it's not as easy by your mid to late 20's. I'm overweight and out of shape well beyond my years and I blame it on my smoking addiction.

If you keep smoking, you'll someday look back on this conversation and you'll see I was right. You'll kick yourself for spending thousands of dollars on a stupid habit. If you were smart enough to come to this website, then do yourself a favor and pay attention. We're all a bunch of long time smokers who would give up a lot to go back in time and quit when we had the chance. Quit now and thank yourself later.
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You have to WANT to quit Matt!!!! That's motivation! Have you done the EX plan? Have you educated yourself about cigarettes and the results of smoking? If not, please do! That will help motivate you.
Your here and that speaks volumes to me. That say's that you WANT to quit. So give yourself what you want and what you deserve. Life! Long and full!
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Click on members and enter Michael Patterson. Go to Michael Patterson's page and read everything on it.
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so i can get a disease even if i havent been smoking for that long?
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Not to say that you will, but yes, you can. Smoking is an addiction. The longer you draw that hot smoke into your lungs the harder it is to stop. Stop now while your addiction is small. Don't wait until it is huge like mine. I started smoking at age 15, I am 47 now and wish I had never picked up that first smoke. Read as much as you can on this site. you can also go to other sites and read such as Motivation starts with you Matt. You say that the only time you feel the effects of smoking is when you run? Imagin yourself years from now and you can't walk very far or climb stairs because your out of breath. Stop now while it will be realitivly easy to do. won't be easy.
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