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Give and get support around quitting

I Need Help !!!

I have been a smoker for over 30 yrs. So you people out there that have only smoked a short while
can't give me the advice I need. I need a professional. I have tried everything from over the counter aids to hypnossis. Say that something works. I'm a cancer survior 3 times over now, and you think that with that alone I'd be able to quit, but no not me. I need the power of something or someone greater than I . Any Suggestions ?

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20 Replies

Hey there Dawn. Well you're a tough case, eh? Don't dismiss someone who's only smoked a short time. Sometimes wisdom comes straight outta their mouths. In fact, don't dismiss any advice you get. Because you never know when something someone says will hit just the right button in you. The name of this game, for me anyway (and I smoked for 35+ years), is to try anything and everything, keep what works, dismiss what doesn't.

"Say that something works" - there is no one thing that works. If you haven't read Allen Carr's book, do. If you haven't checked out do. (You say you've tried everything, so I'm assuming you've done those.)

I've been quit 2 years 8 mos. tomorrow. How did I do it? By making smoking not an option in my life. By persevering every day with that thought. By taking cravings one at a time, in waves at a time, day after day and continuing on. By being willing to accept the discomfort of my choice to quit the addiction - no matter what. No matter what excuse, no matter how miserable the craving, no matter the inner baby whining I just kept saying NO, I will not smoke.

And the saving grace was a support group.

Keep reading on here. There's a wealth of information and support.

Hoping for you.

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Hiya Dawn!!! I smoked on and off for 39 years -- mostly on. The longest quit I ever had was for 1 year. When I came here, I was ecstatic about having support -- something I had never had in my prior quit attempts. I made it to 103 days and slipped when I found an unopened pack of cigarettes in a drawer. It happened so fast that I was totally taken aback. I believe that this is an addiction of the mind, more than a physical addiction. We spent all those years feeding our minds with thoughts such as, smoking relaxes me, I feel stresssed a cigarette will help, I need a cigarette to wake up, etc., etc. These thoughts wormed their way in to our subconscious and created beliefs that became reality, when in fact these beliefs are what we as nicotine addicts call junkie thinking.

My suggestion is that you work the ex program and track your cigarettes, find out what your triggers are, learn how to distract yourself from smoking and finally change people, places and things that trigger you. This program works if you work it!!

There is a web site that is free and has awesome information on how to deal with cravings. Also, on there are so many wonderful articles and videos. Also, another suggestion is to go to Michael Patterson's page, download his video (in a blog he put out today) and watch it. Michael has devoted his life to helping others -- after watching this, I don't think it is possible to not feel inspired!! To find him, click on members above and in the search box type Michael Patterson.

You are not a failure so long as you continue to quit!! I've had to take some hard bumps here, but in the long run I believe that I have learned so much about myself that I hadn't really thought about!! That's a good thing!!

If I can be of anymore help to you, please feel free to drop me a post! There are so many wonderful people here who would be happy to support you!! It makes a huge difference!! Wishing you a life full of smoke free success!!!
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Hiya Dawn!!! I smoked on and off for 39 years -- mostly on. The longest quit I ever had was for 1 year. When I came here, I was ecstatic about having support -- something I had never had in my prior quit attempts. I made it to 103 days and slipped when I found an unopened pack of cigarettes in a drawer. It happened so fast that I was totally taken aback. I believe that this is an addiction of the mind, more than a physical addiction. We spent all those years feeding our minds with thoughts such as, smoking relaxes me, I feel stresssed a cigarette will help, I need a cigarette to wake up, etc., etc. These thoughts wormed their way in to our subconscious and created beliefs that became reality, when in fact these beliefs are what we as nicotine addicts call junkie thinking.

My suggestion is that you work the ex program and track your cigarettes, find out what your triggers are, learn how to distract yourself from smoking and finally change people, places and things that trigger you. This program works if you work it!!

There is a web site that is free and has awesome information on how to deal with cravings. Also, on there are so many wonderful articles and videos. Also, another suggestion is to go to Michael Patterson's page, download his video (in a blog he put out today) and watch it. Michael has devoted his life to helping others -- after watching this, I don't think it is possible to not feel inspired!! To find him, click on members above and in the search box type Michael Patterson.

You are not a failure so long as you continue to quit!! I've had to take some hard bumps here, but in the long run I believe that I have learned so much about myself that I hadn't really thought about!! That's a good thing!!

If I can be of anymore help to you, please feel free to drop me a post! There are so many wonderful people here who would be happy to support you!! It makes a huge difference!! Wishing you a life full of smoke free success!!!
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Another thing - I see you left a message for the Ex Admins. But don't feel bad if you don't get a response from them. They haven't been too helpful with the technical end of things here (my understanding is they're volunteers), so I doubt they're gonna help in the quitting department. But have you checked out the Ex Plan itself?

And you listen good to what these ladies are saying, because they're some of the wisest on this sight.
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Another thing - I see you left a message for the Ex Admins. But don't feel bad if you don't get a response from them. They haven't been too helpful with the technical end of things here (my understanding is they're volunteers), so I doubt they're gonna help in the quitting department. But have you checked out the Ex Plan itself?

And you listen good to what these ladies are saying, because they're some of the wisest on this sight.
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Hi I too was a smoker for over 30 years and I want you to know that you are going to do this. I've been free for 16 days now and no one is more surprised then me. I strongly urge you to read Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" It is a great book and you will relate to him because he smoked 100 cigarettes and day when he quit. If you have to read it again and again. Best Wishes, Theresa
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Thank You Theresa Mc, Your comments about you also being a smoker for 30 yrs. helped. and yes I will go
buy that book right now. I haven't heard of it, but I love to read so It's one more for my collection.
Thank you again, Dawn H.ddh506
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You go girl!
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Polly, read your reply and was gratefull for all the advice. Michael Patterson's page touched me deeply and I think it will be a blessing to thousands of people all over. It's people like Michael that God uses to touch everyone else. I will keep trying and continue to keep in touch with others, your right it makes a world of difference to have others who are there for you. Just to give thier boost when you feel a need for one.
Thanks again, I feel I haven't lost until I stop trying . Even if I pick one up out of sheer stupidity, I will go on trying again and again. ddh506
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