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Give and get support around quitting


New and need support!

I am a new member. I am 27 years old and started smoking when I was 19. I really want to stop smoking. My husband and I are looking forward to starting a family in the next few years and I want to be an an Ex-smoker before we start the next chapter of our lives. I really want to stop for my health and my family's health. 

Before I got married (4 years ago) I promised my husband I would stop smoking before we got married. That day came and went. Then I said I would stop smoking when we moved to a new city and that did not happen. I feel trapped. 

I hope to increase my support to stop smoking and start addressing my triggers one by one. I know this program can help!


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3 Replies

Hello  sweetie,  yes, please quit now.  Im 40 and wish id of quit at 27 or 30 or 35.  and im sure some of my wrinkles are cigarette induced jrf

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yes, stop before you have children.  I am 47 and my 23 year old daughter smokes and I hate I have been a poor example for her.   Good Luck. 

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Yes, quit while you are young.  I am 45 and I believe that not becoming pregnant was highly due to my cigarette smoking..I never had any children.  Today is my quit day and I am taking's working and a lot easier than cold turkey for me.  Choose your date and do it!

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