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Give and get support around quitting


Need to quit- kinda don't want to

I'm Stephanie and a Type 1 diabetic(21 years). Just had a lumbar spinal fusion done and need to heal well. Everyone is very judgemental at home so I just want to smoke more. Looking for supportive people to back me up.
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14 Replies

Hi Stephnie nice to meet ya! You will find tons of support here.I hope you feel better soon!
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Hi Stephanie. First of all, I am VERY surprised that your doctor did the spinal fusions knowing you still smoked. Or does he know? Just an FYI - your fusion WILL FAIL if you don't quit smoking. I pray it isn't already too late.

I'm sorry you are feeling your family is judgemental. Have you tried to look at this from their point of view? You have had Type1 Diabetes for 21 years. That is the worst kind of diabetes and you've had it for a very long time. You've just had MAJOR surgery. Aside from what smoking does to every single organ in your body, anesthesia is rough on your lungs and smoking will hinder your healing and the diabetes is rough enough on your body without adding all the chemicals from a cigarette.

You say judgemental, I say concerned. Tomato, tomato; Potato, potato.....You get my drift. Now, my question is to you:

What kind of support are you looking for to back you up? Someone to molly-coddle you and tell you its ok that you want to smoke more everytime your family shows concern?

Sorry, my dear. I only give loving butt-kicks herePhotobucket. I looked up your profile and you said that you didn't smoke for four days while you were in the hospital and didn't have any troubles. So, what are you waiting for?
YOU CAN DO THIS, WE CAN HELP! Just tell yourself to:

If you choose to smoke another cigarette: Photobucket
Smoking just adds: Photobucket It's really all up to you...........
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Well if you want to heal as well as possible, I would listen to the experts.

Just quit, decide.

and do it.

I quit and got type 2 a year later.
They say you are not supposed to smoke when you have diabetes.

You must have had some problem with that idea?

Tell us what we can do.

We can help but you have to do the har workd
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Hi! Everything stinks right now but you will find alot of support and love here. We are rooting for you girl. Theresa
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Hi Stephanie, I was like you if someone said how bad smoking was I would immediately shut off and reply with something stupid like "We all have to die" and smoke more. Do yourself a huge favor and start to read about smoking, the more you read the more power you'll have to fight it and also don't work yourself up about how hard it's going to be to quit until you actually try it. You can do this believe me. Put yourself first instead of the smokes.
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It's important to quit for health reasons as well as social reasons. However, Smokers deserve good medical care; the same care non smokers receive. For years I would not go to the MD because I believed I didn't deserve good medical care since I was smoking. I know people who have been refused surgery because they smoke. Notice I didn't say because of severe lung disease but just as a whip to "encourage??" one to stop. Some people don't realize that providing artificial consequences or instilling fear will not promote a healthy lifestyle. You will heal. It may take some time. Nutrition, a positive mind set, following post operative MD instructions will all contribute to your healing. I'm sure you know that diabetes may slow or impair your healing process. All the above will contribute to your healing. Don't get upset that it's too late. It's not. Your fusion will not fail because you are still smoking. The fact that your MD felt you were a decent surgical canidate says a lot about your prospects of recovery.
Take care.
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Thank you to all who have responded to my e-mail. I know I need to do this and, no, I don't need to be molly-coddled, I would rather people say not say anythink and just let me concentrate on me with out feeling guilty when I do smoke! Thanks again. You all have inspired me without the guilt. THAT is awesome!
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My dear Stephanie! I hope you recover from your lumbar spinal fusion. I totally understand and have been where you're at with family being judgemental. I've been going through that all my life and I still do because of my family's religion. I have a nephew that only lives 50 miles from me who won't have anything to do with me because I'm not "Molly Mormon." Well, you've got my support 100%. I'll do whatever I can do to help you. I totally understand how you feel with whether or not you should quit. Part of that feeling is the fear of failure. The other part is our addiction telling us we don't have one so we can continue to feed it. I've had to stand my ground with my family all my life. It's caused me alot of hurt and misery, but I have to keep telling myself that I'm okay and know that I'm loved. I've also had to learn how to love myself and that's a daily battle at times. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, you can quit smoking. And I believe that you will.
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My dear Stephanie! I hope you recover from your lumbar spinal fusion. I totally understand and have been where you're at with family being judgemental. I've been going through that all my life and I still do because of my family's religion. I have a nephew that only lives 50 miles from me who won't have anything to do with me because I'm not "Molly Mormon." Well, you've got my support 100%. I'll do whatever I can do to help you. I totally understand how you feel with whether or not you should quit. Part of that feeling is the fear of failure. The other part is our addiction telling us we don't have one so we can continue to feed it. I've had to stand my ground with my family all my life. It's caused me alot of hurt and misery, but I have to keep telling myself that I'm okay and know that I'm loved. I've also had to learn how to love myself and that's a daily battle at times. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, you can quit smoking. And I believe that you will.
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