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NRT Fail

I'm super disappointed in myself.  I got through 3 days without any nicotine but on Day 4, I couldn't handle the cravings and went on the lozenges.  I REALLY want to be totally free!!  I'm doing well with not smoking.  How do I transition off the NRT and still keep my sanity??!!

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3 Replies

@BdTeach59 don't be disappointed in yourself. You did not smoke!!! That's the big thing. I've only been here 60 days. I started out using a little of the NRT gum and got off of it after 3 weeks by going cold turkey and substituted regular gum.

I think the most of the elders on this site would advise you to use the NRT in the beginning and worry about tapering off that once your quit is under way. Whatever you do, do not smoke. You can do it. Most people write for help in the blogs/journals area of the site, more people will see it there.

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Welcome to Ex. Typically if you want to transition off NRT follow the directions on the package. Three days in and your craves were so bad that you used lozenges? Good for you!!! Fantastic! The fact that you stuck it out and tried something else is powerful. By day three as the nicotine leaves the body, that's when craves get worse. So that you helped yourself forward is really good. Yes you can do this one day at a time. Stick with Ex. Keep reading, keep working your quit. 🙂


@BdTeach59 You should be proud that you saved your quit instead of giving in.    There' nothing wrong with using NRT.  Many of the successful quitters on this site used an aid.  It's not about how you quit; it's the end result that matters.

Big congrats on 3 days. 

Stay close, Barb