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Give and get support around quitting


MY Quit Date Was July 16th-Looking for Support and Friends

Hi, My name is Maggie

I haven't had a cigarette for 35 days. I am 65 and am working part time as a Secretary-bookeeper. I am on a nicoderm patch 21 mg and will soon be going to a 14 mg. I am looking for any support or friends or help to keep going  smoke free and quit for good. I am afraid when i get down to less mgs of a patch I will go back to smoking. So far so good on the patch. Trying to stay positive about this. I found this site about two days ago and was really excited about finding it. It has people who are really trying to quit and sharing what they are going through. I still  during the day have all of a sudden- I need a cigarette. It does pass so far.  I have some good days where I don't even think about smoking sometimes. I have a dull headache some times and feel really tired. Some days I just need someone to talk to.Craving sugar and food, I guess this is normal and then am gaining weight. I was on a low colestral diet and lost 42 pounds. Any Help and Support and Friends would be appreciated. I am doing this by myself. My family members are really supportive of me by I am so proud of You-Good Job-but they don't know what I am going through - if that makes sense.


Am still going forward

Sincerely Maggie G.

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7 Replies

Hi Maggie and WELCOME!!

 I used the patch to quit as well. One thing I noticed was that the patch doesn't totally take away the craves. It just eases them enough to get through the day while still letting you learn how to deal with craves and triggers. I always called quitting with the patch "quitting on training wheels" simply because it allows us to get used to not having a cigarette every time we turn around.

 I did notice that each time I stepped down, the strength of the craves increased for a few days. This is because we are reducing what the brain craves and in a way when we use the patches we have to quit three different times, though when we step down it's still not as intense as cold turkey.

 For me, it worked well and by the time I took off my last patch I was ready to face life smoke free. I was ready to take all the lessons I learned while on the patches and use those lessons to take me to where I am now. Free and at peace.

 I think the dull head-ache could be the result of the patches. I had them at times myself.

Please stay close to the site. There's lot's of support here both from people that are quitting using nicotine replacement and from those who used other means. Please stay close and keep blogging!

 Others will be along soon I'm sure to give you some links for reading. Knowledge is power especially when it comes to learning how to beat an addiction.

Keep your eye on the prize of freedom and before long this will all be but a memory . .


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Great Job on 35 days Maggie!

You are heading into No Mans Land. Be alert.

Do what you've done so far when you get a craving.

Realize the patch is an aid not the solution.

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Great job on 35 days!!!

Please do lots of reading.  Someone here should send you the link to Allen Carr's book, The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.  I also found to be a very helpful website.

Keep up the good work.


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Hi,my name is quit date was July 1,2013. Please read the Alan Carr book,it really helps.After the book I quit cold turkey for two weeks.i was hving major headaches blood pressure problems,clenching my teeth at night.i went to dr. They did a ct on my lungs,I passed with flying colors.but I failed the oxygen now on oxygen at night.headaches went away and bp is better.did I tell u I'm 65 and smoked 47 so fortunate I'm not any worse.i now use the lozenges .a few a day. My dr said it was fine to use them as long as I wanted to.good luck it's so hard to break this addiction that is KILLING us.Jan

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Hi Maggie! Welcome to the site and congrats on your quit! I smoked for 40 years - I came here - did the reading, got the support and I quit! That was over three years ago! You can do this! Congrats on 35 days. The reading many of us used is: the free course at: and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

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Hi Maggie, welcome, this is a great site,the blogs are always good to read, I start my day and end my day reading the blogs.  Why is also a good site for u-tube videos.  I also read Allen Carr's book.  This is my third quit and hopefully this one will stick.  NOPE (not one puff ever).  Good luck, read everything you can, realize your trigger points and be prepared for the craves, I almost asked a total stranger who was smoking outside of Home Depot for a cig on Saturday, didn't do it, just took a deep breath and the craving passed.  One day at a time.  Hang in there.

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Thanks for sharing all the tips of the patch and that it is O.K. to be on the patch!!! And have suceeded on the patch!!! And  the going down with the mgs.  Have been doing a bit of reading ever day on the sites and links-Thanks to all

All your help is much appreciated

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