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Give and get support around quitting


July 1

tomorrow is my big day. I have my toolbox ready, and am excited and scared at the same time. This will be my last attempt over my 32 years of smoking, with many failed attempts at quitting. It's just ridiculous the amount of money and time I have spent on this addiction. I'm done.

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3 Replies

Made it through my morning routine without. I woke up earlier than usual, probably because of the anxiety of facing the day. Used my strategy for getting through without my morning cigs, and am keeping myself busy today. Putting the money I usually would have spent on the cigs in a jar, and next week will use it to treat myself to something pretty.

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Great idea a jar of cig money to go blow on whatever I want to reward us.we deserve it.Jan V

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Have u read Alen Carr's easy quit book?that book will and is getting me through this .we can do this Alan's way.just hv bad headaches  Jan V

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