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I finally did it

I'v been lurking here for a year. Reading all that I can. Learning all that I could absorb.

Monday July 8th I got up early for work. Went out on the back porch to have my normal coffee and Ciggy. Came in took a shower went to work. The only difference with today, Is it was the last morning I would smoke.

I really can't say why that day. I have been planning this for a very long time. Doing the steps it would take to get my mind ready for this. At least that is what I keep telling myself. But Monday was different from any other day. I really did it. I started my day out normal and then I just put the cigs down and walked away. I am so happy with me right now.

Not easy at all. I did get a ecig a few months ago to help with the cravings. Really hoping this time I will complete the task.

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1 Reply

I'm hoping you are continuing to have strong, smokefree days.  You can do this!

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