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Give and get support around quitting


Hi, new here; not new to quitting!

Hi, everyone. I'm a history teacher, as you might have guessed by my name, lol!
Oh, I wish we had smilies here. It's so much more interesting and fun to write when there are those little people to play with! LOL!
Ok, well, here's my story:

I relapsed after a two year quit. I look back and can see all the reasons why I relapsed. In the end, I didn't do what I had to do to stay quit. I didn't practice those behaviors that helped me quit.

But, here are some of the factors that led to my relapse. I'm telling you so that you can learn from my error, and indeed, you may help me. Because, the fact is, much of it was beyond my control!

1. I live in the North East and we had an early, and long, harsh winter. I have long suffered from seasonal affective disorder, (SAD) -- a seasonal depression. SAD, like my quit, is helped by exercise, but...

2. I was not allowed to exercise, due to a medical problem. No exercise at all. Not even walking!

3. I was in a horrible workplace with the worst administrator I've ever worked for for three years. In over 20 years as an educator, I never filed a grievance until I met this man - and I filed @ 13 against him! The stress was terrible!

4. I was then involuntarilly transferred in the middle of the year. The jerk I worked for then threated to have me fired because I couldn't do the impossible!

5. My son went back out. He's a heroin addict who was straight and going to school. He's in a rehab now, thank goodness, but, he slipped this past winter.

6. No raise; no contract; and we all know what the price of gas and oil has done.

7. My doc said I was prediabetic and had to loose weight - without the aide of exercise! (I did! )

So, these are the pressures that I dealt with. And as I said, I didn't even have exercise to help me burn off the steam.

So, my question to you all, then, is this.
How can we deal with these types of stressors when we cannot use our tried and true methods that have helped us stay quit?

I'm not feeling bad for myself. I know I picked up the butts. Bad choice. And it didn't help with the stress either. It only ADDED to the stress by making me feel stupid, feel like a failure, by costing me money I didn't have, and by making me sick again - it's funny how the cough comes right back!

So, what could I have done to ease the pressure valve that was ready to blow, besides smoking, when I couldn't exercise?

Thanks for any advice!

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14 Replies

Thanks, Cess... *hug*

You know, I read something recently that has really helped. I wish I had read it before my relapse, cuz, I think it may have helped me. So, it may just help another person out there who is thinking of slipping.....

The article spoke of the positive attributes we give to cigarettes. How we believe they will help us calm down; settle our anxious nerves; help us celebrate the good times! They give us strength when we are scared. They comfort us when we are lonely....and so on...

But, it's all an illusion. There is no "nicodemon," (though that image may help some in the beginning.) There are no positive attributes to cigarettes.
There is only a killing addiction.
And the cigarettes only make us sick and kill us.
All the rest is stuff in our own heads.

When I feel like having a butt now, I ask myself, "What do I think a cigarette is going to give me? What attribute am I giving to a butt?"
Funny thing but, the answer has always been nothing... *duh*

Anyway, good to see you again, my friend.
Today, I am past hell week!!!
I am One week, one day, 8 hours, 59 minutes and 37 seconds nicotine free. That's 167 cigarettes not smoked, saving $50.25. Life saved: 13 hours, 55 minutes. :>)

Keep the quit and post before you puff!

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LOL, LOVE the pic! :>)
Hobbies are a great idea, and thanks for some good ones.
I used to LOVE to do puzzles! And paint by numbers would be fun too!
I did the cinnamon sugar free candies, but, as I said before, not the sticks. Too mindfull of smoking behaviors, and it gave me cravings. :>(
I kept a diary online, which actually is coming in very handy. A lawyer wants to see it. I called about that administrator, I was working for... ;>)

Glad to hear you liked history! What type of history did you enjoy, and do you still read up on anything? I can get lost in it,, lol!

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Oh, goodness!
You heard about me??? Yikes!
It's not true, officer, I SWEAR it isn't!!!!
And who told???

I am quit once more. I am now One week, one day, 9 hours, 4 minutes and 33 seconds nicotine free. That's 167 cigarettes not smoked, saving $50.27. Life saved: 13 hours, 55 minutes. :>)

Thanks for the ideas and the warm welcome! :>)

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I'm sorry, but, you must have misread my original post.
I was not allowed ANY exercise at all -- not even walking!
Those were doc's orders!

Prior to these orders, yes, I walked, and went to the gym, and rode my bike and swam and did much more.
I was not allowed to walk.

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Thanks, Cindy...
Making a personal challange out of my quit is a good idea!
I would say save the money to go on vacation, but, I think I'll probably be using it for oil this winter! OY! LOL!

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