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Give and get support around quitting



This time I am determined to quit, I think. Started the patch but when I get stressed or feel lonely I take it off and smoke. Went to the doc today and got a script for Chantix, which I've tried before, maybe this time I can do this. My husband of 32yrs passsed away from lung cancer 18 mos ago and I still smoke, how pathetic. Any advise would sure help-Linda
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34 Replies

Thanks so much Mike I will keep it up believe me...
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WOW Linda ...thanks for sharing !

You are more proof that no matter the excuse you just said NO !

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Linda, I am so sorry to hear your story, but so happy you were able to quit. After caring for my husband, holding him as he passed I still can't believe I am battling to quit smoking. After hearing your story you truely are a person of inspiration . I can now say if you did it, I can do it. I recently met a man who i care for, when I'm with him I have no probolem not smoking, but with my husband I had the same attitude you did, it won't happen to me. Although I get bronchitis frequently I can see how my health is beginningt to deteriorate. Thanks so much for sharing your story, it has meant alot.
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Have you ever heard of the power of positive thought??? I can tell you it really works. Just say to yourself, 'I am determined to quit'! Don't add the 'I think' to the end of that statement and leave the 'This time' off of the beginning . And if you slip, just remember 'I am determined to quit'. That is a much more positive statement. A lot of people end up trying several times to quit. At some point, you just have to do it, whether you believe you will or not. Just don't pay attention to the thoughts of 'Maybe it will work this time'. That kind of thinking only fuels the negative thoughts and makes it harder to push them aside to make room for the good thoughts!
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You're right the brain is tricky, although I've quit before without much support, somehow I know with this site and people like you with your support I'm going to finally get rid of smokes. Well it's been about 12 hours now and I'm not freaking out. Linda
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aloha, yes the trick is to never get too tired, loney or hungry. how about a long walk, or go to the movie. take in the bookstore. go places where you can't smoke. keep your mind active. you will do great
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Linda I did it and so can you.. I have faith in you.. Get a smoke away kit and start that.. Take all ash trays and anything that reminds you of smoking out of the house and also get pine cleaner and stp and start washing walls if you smoked in the house... When you get the urge to smoke take a few minutes and stop and go to a window or outside and take a deep breath.. The urges only last a few moments then they are gone and you kept your quit,..,

I had to change my habits too like in the morning it was the first thing i did now I get tea or a glass of juice instead...
Linda you can do it I know you can and if you need a friend there are a lot of them here to help you and believe me they are all good people that have been thru this just like you and me... I am here as much as possible too.
Funny thing was the moment Iused the smoke away kit, I didn't want another smoke and was even able to be around my daughter in law who smokes and I still didn't want one.. So the kit was a great help to me and it took the cravings away too so after 40 years of smoking I truly did not want a smoke.. I did how ever have a problem trying to realize I was not missing something every time some one lite up and I didn't.. But Linda I never went back to smoking and I feel so much better. Good luck and hang in there ok you will make it I promise... I want to see you healthy too... My lungs will never get better but I did stop them from getting worst...
Hugs and good luck
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Thanks... To be honest with you excuses do not help you breath or function in this world...
I found that when I was too short of breath, ( ok total honesty here) when I was gasping for breath I could not even write a letter on the computer much less think of doing something that meant getting up...
But I could lite a cigarette and smoke it and tell others that was the only thing that kept me coughing and coughing is good right? Who was I fooling only myself so wise up everyone get rid of the smokes and be true to yourself...
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Hi I am just checking in on Linda this morning to see how you are doing???
Each day gets a little easier Linda and you have us all here to support you and
if you just need to scream or yell or cry please remember we have all been there too and are here for you ...
Hugs and good luck on day 2
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That's gotta be tough. I've had a few close family members die from smoking related illnesses ranging from COPD to lung cancer. Despite all that, I continued to "whistle past the graveyard" as it were, and continue to smoke. You've got to be selfish about it. If you quit for anything other than your own personal reasons, it's not going to work. You have to quit for you. Maybe at the moment, you don't have enough personal reasons to quit. It's hard for me to believe that's the case since your husband fell to lung cancer. Do you have friends or family you could talk about this with? They could prove to be an invaluable source of strength.
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