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Help needed to quit vaping

Hello, Ex family! My original quit date was October 2021, I did so great for a month and started again and I have not been able to quit! I try but I feel like when I do try to put it down I get anxiety just thinking about quitting and not having it. I feel bad about myself that I’m not able to kick this habit:( especially when I hate that my kids see me use it as well as I know it can’t be good for my health, yet I STILL DO IT! I’m so frustrated with myself! I truly want to quit for good and I have a plan starting tomorrow help kick the habit. I don’t think “weening” myself off is good for me, I have to just quit altogether. Any helpful words of advice and encouragement would be so helpful right now. I appreciate you all! 

Jessica Perez

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11 Replies

@jessiemyree11 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit vaping. No matter what the delivery system it's still a nicotine addiction.  Vaping may be harder to quit since you can do it anywhere.  We had to delay until we found a place to smoke.

Quitting takes work, but with education and planning you can do it. This link is a great place to start.

Knowledge and preparation have been the key to many successful quits.  You can quit cold turkey or use a quit aid.  If you choose, an aid there are lots of options.  Discard all of your vaping paraphernalia so you're not tempted.   Having it around will only make it harder on yourself.

You've taken the first step by picking a quit date.  These rest is about doing the work, staying close, and reaching out if you need support.  Always come here first if your think about vaping.

We're here for you.




Thank you so much for responding. This is so helpful and I appreciate your support


@jessiemyree11 Where are you with your quit?  If you haven't done so, take the first step.


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Hi Jessie I completely understand how you feel. I tried quitting vaping cold turkey last July and only lasted 4 days. The moment something really stressful happened (I'm going through a separation) I went right back to it. Do not feel bad about this. It is very hard to quit but it is possible. This time around I haven't vaped in 31 days but I have been using the patch and lozenges. However, I am now on the low 7 mg patch and I started on the 21mg. I vaped very very heavy. I used 50 mg Nic salts and vaped everywhere literally every 10 minutes. What helped me is realizing that I was a slave to it. With much help from friends from my church ( I am a Christian) I began to see that I didn't want to be in bondage to anything anymore. I was tired of treating my body like crap by addiction and I wanted to do the right thing for my faith. So, the reason has to be very strong and you have to know that one day if you fight and do one day at time and focus on the end goal there will be a day that you will not think about it anymore. I have 10 more days on the 7mg and then I will be off of the patches completely. I have had extremely hard days where I wanted to buy a vape or bum a cigg SO BAD but I didn't so I realized if I can say no I just have to keep saying no and stay strong. you can do this. Vaping is so bad for you, you deserve better! Keep trying and you will get there! you are not alone!!!!!


Wow. Thank you for sharing your story. I failed at my 2nd attempt to quit but (without judging myself)  I'm releasing the habit again today. I too have been reading scripture to help overcome addictive behaviors, God wants more for us!!!! Keep up the hard work, you'll be so happy and feel so strong! It really is a great feeling to not let the "mind stuff" win and give in to addiction. YOU GOT THIS. message me anytime on this thread if you need support:)

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I'm on day 3 of quitting the vape cold turkey. I had been thinking about it for a while. I don't want to have a vice, and really, it's just as gross as cigarettes. My kids asked me to stop so I threw everything away. It's been really tough. I feel very emotional, I'm having cravings, I feel anxious. I used 6mg vape but used it pretty often.  My ex just started dating for the first time since we divorced so I'm having a really tough week. I'm committed though. We can do it!!!


I'm quitting for my kids too. I used a 5% nic vape and even that is hard to break. I wrote in a reply before this one that I fell short on my 2nd attempt at quitting but today I'm going to quit again, starting tonight!!! I'm sorry you have obstacles that are posing a threat to you quitting. But we have to remember no matter what is going on in the world around us we have to take care of our own bodies! No one else can do that for us! Keep up the good work and I encourage some deep breathing and letting go as you move forward. You got this! Stay strong! Reach out on this thread anytime for support:)

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  • Hey were u able to quit? Also just wondering what do u like to write about or what have u written it says you're an author

Hi! Not an author, I think it’s just the post that’s labeling me as the “author”. I do write a lot but just for myself:)
 Have I been able to quit, yes. Have I fallen victim to the addiction and started again, yes, unfortunately. But I’m not giving up. This has been a battle I’ve been fighting for a few years now. Quit then start again, ugh! Currently cutting back drastically and learning to say no.

how are you doing? What’s your story?