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Give and get support around quitting


Going to win this time...

I have battled this addiction for so many years. Tried everything on the market and that a doctor could prescribe to quit but always had some horrible reaction. Now, I'm using Nicoderm CQ patch. After reading many posts here--the people here have a different attitude. I relapsed for a few days and was going to continue smoking BUT I decided today that I am continuing with my quit. My husband and I are going on a long awaited vacation and thought that I might mess it up by not smoking. While I was in relapse smoking I hated it--so--no more. I want off of this merry go round.
Any help given to me is greatly appreciated. Having no friends because I'm housebound I hope that it's okay if I turn to you for guidance and help. It's great to be here and determined to win the fight against this addiction for good! So officially today I will make this my quit day!
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1 Reply

40 years of being a is day 15 of the patch for me, nicoderm cq...had some awful days and continue to, but someone told me after the 11th it would get better. so far, no slip ups and it is getting a bit less difficult. i feel like i am at war, and slipping up would be a lost battle ...i am not willing to lose any battles in this war! i'm new at this, but i hope this helps.

best of luck and determination to you.

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