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From a new member

I find loneliness to be a huge factor in making it difficult to quit. I live alone, with my cat but she doesn't care if I smoke. I have family and friends, so I'm not alone in the world. But I am alone at home. It never bothered me until I tried to quit smoking and then I felt like a wraith wandering around my own house not knowing what to do with myself. Does anyone have similar experiences, and what kind of things do you do to offset that feeling?
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2 Replies

Many of us are scared to quit smoking and also fear loneliness. We have considered our cigs to be our friend, we always had something to do and "someone" to take a break with. Just remember that cigs are a false friend, all they care about is that you remain addicted. Cigs do not have your best interests in mind.

It will be important for you to plan, plan, plan for alternate activities that you can do when you have cravings. You might try to keep busier away from home for the first weeks. Take a class, go to the library, take a walk, walk around the mall, go to a movie, set up a jigsaw puzzle (cats love to help with these!) - anything to break up the hours when you would normally be at home. If there are rooms in your house where you never smoke try to spend time there. And your cat does care that you smoke! Your cat loves you and you need to remain as healthy as possible to be there for your cat. And by remaining smoke-free you will no longer be exposing your dear cat to deadly second hand smoke - yes, it's bad for pets too!

I am 10 days smoke-free and do all of the above to distract myself during urges; also a lot of deep breathing! Keep up the good work and promise yourself that you will not smoke, not even a puff. Keep it up, urge by urge, day by day. You can do it. No one ever died of nicotine cessation (it just feels rotten at times). You will be so proud and we'll be proud of you too!
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Absolutely. I live alone too with my two cats. I go on the computer alot, mainly to this site. Today I woke up at a decent time, so I did some laundry and vaccuumed my apartment. I think of things I'd like to get with the money that I've saved from not smoking. There's a purse I saw in a Hallmark store I want to get. I'm a fan of the actor Gary Oldman and I want to get Immortal Beloved, and the Scarlet Letter. I saw a new group on Leno last night and I love the sound of slide guitar so I'm going to find their CD. I'd also like to get the CD of Betty LaVette. I think she's cool. I like to read bios of celebrities and musicians. The other night I watched the movie "Pay It Forward." It made me cry, but I really enjoyed the movie. So I guess what I'm saying is when I'm feeling lonely, I try to focus on other things.
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