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Give and get support around quitting

Find a Quit Buddy

I am looking for a quit buddy that will have a few minutes to chat, probably in the evenings, about our journeys to becoming EXs. I am looking for another college student, and would prefer to talk to someone else who is athletic. The struggle between being an athlete and a smoker is quite the battle! Feel free to message me!! Good luck!!
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432 Replies

Hello All - My quit date is September 10, 2014 and I need all of the support I can get.  I welcome a partner so we can help each other get over the hard part while being motivational and encouraging.

I wish us all every bit of success! 



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If any of you want immediate live help and suggestions or support, go to the blogs. look at the dates on these posts. No responses or help here.

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I keep forgetting to put the patch on in the morning.  Do you think that's adding stress to my quit program?  It's hard for me to tell as I'm still in the beginning stages of quitting.

I've read that it's recommended that one wear the patch for at least 6 months.  Does anyone have any feedback about that?  I don't want to fall off the track to success.


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hi i'm Diane and my quit smoking date is March 28th 2015.  i've tried patches and gum, nothing seems to work.   i need all the help i can get.  i hope this place has people i can talk to.  i've smoked for 40 years and now have COPD.  sometimes when i smoke i cant breath especially in the morning.  am i setting my date too far away?  i chose that date because we will be home from vacation.

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Can u mail patches?

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Hi! I  am a56 year young female who is working to quit for the third time. Help! My quit date is August 1, 2015.  I was reading ther tips for keeping busy and a few of them I do while smoking.  The ONLY place where I do not crave a smoke is in bed and I  don;t see me spending that much time  there.  /Any suggestions?

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my quit date is october 29, 2015 and i am interested in a quit buddy 

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Today is my second day living as a non smoker I have tried to quit several times but always have started back. I hate cigarettes and the hold they get on a person everyone who does not smoke always says how easy they think it is to quit but its harder than they think . I woke up and kinda missed that first one this morning but I got up and ate breakfast and actually relaxed before work I need a quit buddy
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Hey! I feel like I can't quit. Already relapsed several times. I WANT to quit (for the first time ever) but I don;t have anyone in my life who truly gets it.....I am starting again today but always scared of failure. Any support and advice would be much appreciated!!


Hi guys

My quit day is set for January 20th 2017 and I'm already excited for it to arrive! 

In fact I hate that it's so far away. I want to reclaim my life now--today. But it a good thing battling nicotine addiction sucks but what sucks even more is knowing that I HAVE to smoke for another 2 weeks to work the Quit plan.


So I'll catch up with y'all in a few days!