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Give and get support around quitting


Encouragement please

So, I am 6 and a half months quit and am having strong cravings once again. I don't have anybody to say keep going or you can do it so I am looking for some encouragement here.  Thank you!

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17 Replies

What roller831 is referring to is called association.  Even if we have been quit for awhile, the associations may still be there.  However, I am here to tell you good news that usually subsides after  going through several seasons. (2 yrs)  Associations are not that bad, it gives you an awareness of where you are in you quit.  No matter what you just don't do that anymore. This time of year you may besomething that really associates with smoking, Super Bowl.  lol  Always come here this is your support.  Stay close.  The best is yet to come. Forward. 


I dont feel it's necessarily memories.   The  chemical addiction is a small part of quitting.   The emotional" ties to us quitting" can be the worst part. Like, lighting up for, the blues, happiness, relaxing we think,  things like that.   All part of the trap of the addiction."  TRAP"   We can change our brain receptors,  it takes one day at a time for most of us.  Celebrate each moment you beat that urge, and use a positive tool instead.   Whatever works for you is the right way.  

Our brain WILL change,  with reinforcing new ways, instead of smoking.
  Nicotine is a true poison!  It is gross, how they manufacture this slimy oily substance.  


Just saw this, hey thats so awesome...6 1/2 months!!!

Just stopping by to say welcome and hope we see you more often. I can't add to the advice already given,...cause it exactly what I would have said. But stopping in here now and then will strengthen your quit. I am going into 4 years and although I don't crave anymore,,, the thought pops in every so I am always with guard up. I never want to go through a day one again. I prefer my days won!


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Re-learning Rewards

Blog Post created by Dr.Hays on Jan 31, 2018

For many people, a particular challenge to becoming and staying tobacco free are the cravings that occur while having coffee, after a meal, or when relaxing. Like all cravings and associations with cigarettes, this fades over time; however, the thought of having a cigarette or ‘dip’ along with these activities can be persistent.   Understanding cravings, and making plans to purposefully enjoy these activities without tobacco, can help the association fade away more quickly.


Tobacco, like any addictive substance, stimulates the reward system in the brain. In doing that it can become strongly associated with other activities, thoughts, or feelings.  This association makes it more likely that a person will ‘want to smoke or dip’ the next time they experience that activity, thought, or feeling.


Nicotine also has some relatively unique characteristics, it is a powerful ‘secondary reinforcer’, meaning It also enhances the experience of other things, like beverages, food, warm social gatherings, or relaxation.  After quitting tobacco, enjoyment of coffee, social connections, or relaxing may not ‘feel-the-same’ for a while. 


The good news is that enjoyment of all these activities, in the absence of tobacco, returns.  Every time you enjoy a cup of coffee, good company, or relaxing without a cigarette; your ability to enjoy that activity becomes stronger.


You can also hasten this recovery by mindfully taking a moment to appreciate, kindle, the taste of coffee, good company, feeling relaxed, or the taste of food.  Enjoying life on life’s own terms has its rewards, and re-learning life’s enjoyments without tobacco is a pleasure in itself

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Congratulations on 6+Months nicotine free! You’ve already proven to yourself that you can do this. Stay the course. We’re all rooting for you!


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Oh wow you’re doing great You should be so proud!!!  Keep going you have all of us to encourage you. You are never alone. I needed help yesterday and I sure got it from my new EX family. I’ll keep asking for it whenever I need it and I’ll try to help anyone when they need it. You got this. I want to be like you. I’m only18 days and going!,,



Congrats!!!! I'm so encouraged by your 6 months free!!!!!! 

Keep it up! 


Yahooooooo you are doing FANTASTIC STAYING QUIT!!! Keep on keeping on

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