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Do You Have Pet

Dog or Cat makes no difference share a picture and a name Maybe a quick story or long. Picture this a large old bearded man walking a little 10 pound white fluffy dog with a pink bow in her hair in your neighborhood Yes mothers called their children in and locked their doors. Pets are a great way to stay relaxed and a little exercise GoGo.jpg


195 Replies

Oh yes...she is 11 years old and was born in Florida when we got transferred to PA...she wasn’t happy with the cold...she has another coat that is good if it rains/snows...keeps her dry...I could never have children...hence my pets are my babies...ok and my a great Wednesday Cousin-Itt 


I adopted Ruby Tuesday, from a shelter.  She is a calico cat and she is very affectionate.  I wish I could post a picture.

She is 3 years old and weighs 5 lbs.  She comes to me many times throughout the day for snuggles and affection.

I love her so much.  When I saw her at the humane society I went in to say 'Hi" and she came to me right away and rubbed my legs.  I picked her up and she was purring instantly.  It was the second time she had been returned to the humane society.  She had been left all alone at home for a period of time, and was quite wild when they brought her in.

She has found a forever home with me.  Everyone that comes to visit she shares her affection with, my family and friends love her.


 I said this before I really believe our pets pick us  She sounds happy and as do you

Beautiful pets everyone!

      We had 22 cats at one point, mostly strays.  Hoggie was from a litter of 5 boys. He was born on a corner chair 2 feet behind my head (May 2006) so he likely heard my voice even before he was born. My wife called him tippy because all four paws are white and all pads are black. If you brush his coat backwards it's white underneath. (smoky coat)

      I called him Love Hog because when company would come over, he would make the rounds to get as much love from each person as possible and then, do it again.

I just call him Hoggie now.  He's in my profile picture also

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Hoggie has some neat markings like the paws but he does have a unique color. 22 cats he should feel special yoy picked him


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This is Echo our Boxador (Lab+Boxer) and Happy our Beagle. They are our two current pets……we have had many in our family and they made us a better family, of that I am sure.

I’ve had these thoughts rattling around in my mind for awhile and this blog gives me an outlet for them.

Echo is a very large dog who at times is like living with a pony. He has eaten an entire room of furniture (seriously, not chewed but eaten to the point of unable to use). This was in his puppy stage. I was very angry.

He runs and jumps at our front door and we have to re-paint it about every three months. I get very angry about this. The glass seems to resist his “hooves” (you really can’t call them paws!)….but I am always afraid I will come home and it will be scratched.

I have a white hard wood floor in my downstairs (I know-----stupid decision!) and he constantly muddies it up. It makes me crazy.

Happy is a gentler dog…..but she will go after any piece of food that she can find or steal. She steals Echo’s food and is completely unafraid. I need to watch her constantly for stealing food and it can be exhausting at times.

Happy is also older and needs some medicine. It’s not “real” pricey thank goodness…….but it certainly is not free. Something we contend with in our monthly budget.

Although 14, Happy loves to run away. I get a LOT of exercise chasing her if someone accidentally leaves our gate open.

I tell you all of this because I have loved and lost many dogs (and cats) in my lifetime.  I miss them to this day. ALL of them had faults different (and similar) to the ones I describe above.

And I know as clearly as I know my name, that someday I will gladly trade that set of destroyed furniture, a scratched window or door, a clean floor, a stolen doughnut, a few more dollars in my pocket each month or a run around our street in bare feet for one more day with these beings. These very special beings called pets that God has blessed some of us with loving.

Thanks for sharing your pictures……..may we always open our lives to those who bring so much love into it.


Thank you for such a beautiful story Pet do bring so much into a household and at times a handful but always worth it


I saw that this blog popped up again a few days ago from a little over a year ago. I couldn't respond to it due to being (still) too sad.......but tonight, I just thought I would share. On New Year's Eve we had to put our beloved Happy to sleep. She was our beagle and you can see her picture on this blog of Cousin-Itt‌  along with her brother Echo who is a boxador.

It was a sad, sad ending to a sad 2020. I am exploring the thought that losing a pet becomes harder as we get older----thoughts on that? In any case, we felt as if the "Happy" had gone out of our home and we still do to some extent. It is just a month now. What is making it harder is that Echo misses her and looks for her always. 

All of our pets are buried at our cabin by the river......this is Happy's stone. 



What a beautiful memorial stone for Happy Sootie‌... I feel your pain as you continue to grieve your pup's loss. I pray you will gain a sense of peace. She lived to the ripe old age of 15! which is a testament to the great care you and your husband gave her. As we humans get older, we face so many losses; things like vision, independence, abilities we had in our youth, and so much more. The loss of a beloved pet only adds to those accumulative things we must give up and so, yes, I would say that losing a pet is even harder as we grow older...

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Sending virtual hugs your way