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Covid 19 Pandemic

Has pandemic Covid 19 made any changes in smokers' lifestyle? 

14 Replies

My life style; Not at all as far as smoking went.
I did rack on 25 lbs. though.   I definitely do not need that.  It makes it hard to breath even more so @ times. 
Comfort foods were my weakness during this turbulent time I fear.   I always wanted to cut down  on smoking though. However  It did not hinder, smoking the dreaded things much, for me.

How about you green1611‌ ?

Happy Wednesday~ Kim


Thank you anaussiemom !

fortunately I am Ex smoker now. Quit seven years back. 

It did change lifestyle for me, as regards reduced long walks, (due to fear of spread outside), no window shopping pleasure (again fear), compensated by talking on phone with friends.(can not go and meet them yet). joyful !


Thank God I was quit way before COVID...Happy Wednesday ~ Colleen 793 DOF 


Quit before it started - waaaaay before it started.  But - I would think it would make smokers more susceptible by being in groups around an outside ashtray without masks, and by weakening both their immune systems and their ability to recover from their lungs' inability to handle the infection..

It couldn't have helped them, that's for sure!


I quit long ago now, but I was isolated in winter, like now. It actually made it easier for me, since I wasn't around anyone who smoked and it was far to get to stores.


I quit long before this pandemic but if l was still smoking, being trapped in a mask with smoker’s breath would have been HORRIBLE!


I quit in July. Because of the pandemic, smoking became a heavier weight on my mind and greater source of anxiety. Wondering if I was setting myself up for horrible consequences.

I never smoked in my car, ever in my life. So driving home from work meant I was going to park myself in a grocery store parking lot, and take off my mask to smoke. As far away from everyone as possible, but still. Very uncomfortable stares.

Smoking became less social too. Other than my best friend a handful of times, I smoked by myself for those last few months. So instead of being a social break to relax, smoking became stressful and lonely. I do not miss it. elvan‌ ...smoker's breath under a mask was awful. Like living in an ashtray. I should have bought stock with how much gum I went through

I must be times like these when ex-smokers really feel lucky that they faced this terrible pandemic as a non-smokers. 

As for me I quit because I caught the virus. I was afraid I would not recover or recover well if I continued to smoke. A blessing in disguise? I know that there can be uncertain long term effects of this virus but I still feel like it was a great motivator. I’ll deal with whatever effects that come. It can’t be any worse than what smoking would have done to me. 


Great, you could quit ! Really good decision in this pandemic ! Congratulations ...