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Day 2..

Ahhh..Day 2. I went to the gym last night, I had Coffee this morning without a Smoke!! Fruit Flavored Nic Gum is my friend. I think my body is fighting me though, I am actually coughing a lot, and its not that pleasant.
Go Ahead! Fight me! See who wins this!

Hope everyone else in the June quitters in staying strong.

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3 Replies

Tom, your body is fighting you because you are still taking nicotine. Please read my post on eye redirection, I think it can help you. Krystle Wing
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Nic gum got me through the first week. I only chewed one or two pieces per day to take the edge off the worst craves. It was a Godsend!!!! Try not to chew too much of it though. Continue to use alternatives for craves, ice water, regular gum, beef jerky, suckers, eat an apple, etc. Cough all that crud up and feel clean!!!!!!! Stay Strong!
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Even tho it doesn't feel like it, the coughing is's your body "cleaning out" your lungs. All the "little hairs" in your lungs are waking up again as they are paralyzed when we smoke and sweeping the crud out like little brooms. That's a great first sign of being on your way to becoming an EX! It should only last a couple weeks, according to my doctor anyway, and you'll be able to breathe much easier. I'm actually looking forward to the cough because especially in the night I have trouble taking deep breaths and when I wake up an cough up all that stuff it helps (till I have that morning smoke...ugh, can't wait till those days are long gone!).

Hang tough! Best of luck, and God Bless you!
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