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Chantix helps

My quit day was Valentines day. I didn't even crave a smoke at all that first day. I had set the date about almost a month before so I was ready. Started the Chantix 10 days before my quit day. Still taking it every day as prescribed and I must say I wasn't sure it was doing anything there for a while because I didn't / don't have any of the listed side effects and I still had cravings... some pretty bad.

Made it 6 days without a puff. Then I fell. However... since then I have only had 1 to 3 cigarettes a day. I had smoked about a pack and a half the day before Valentines day and I was a pack a day smoker. Even 1 is still not okay but I'm not going to beat myself up over it either. I will get back to none again soon I hope but I won't let it go over 3 a day at least. It's working for me right now. I think if I hadn't been taking the Chantix I'd have been back to a pack a day the first slip up. But with it I'm going to make it for good this time. Just not immediately I guess.

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7 Replies

Just went out to smoke the third and it tasted like crap. Didn't smoke the whole thing and had to get the taste out of my mouth. That's a good thing. I just need to remember that for my next urge.

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Stay with the Chantix..This is my 2nd try and this time I am smoke free for 15 days.  The Chantix made smoking taste terrible.   The first day without smokes was hard, but somehow I made it.  When I have the urge to smoke now, I say the serenity prayer, the Lord's prayer or recite a favorite poem in my head...then take a deep breath and the urge has passed.

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So I've had some friends who quit using with Chantix.  However, my mom, who has quit for a year, said that Chantix really messed with her head so she quit using and then went with the gum.  Has anyone had a type of side effect like that?

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I hesitate to discuss medication side effects since everyone responds so differently.  I had a very poor and scary response to Chantix.... but it is a blessing to so many people!  I've talked with many people... if a reaction happens it is usually within the first few days... best wishes... Jen

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I was actually afraid that it wasn't working for me since I had no side effects at all. But I've now come to believe that it is working and I'm just one of the lucky ones that doesn't have to deal with the side effects.

By the way I am almost finished with my new day 1. After last nights nasty taste I decided to give it another go and not give in to temptation to have "just one or two" in a day.  I want to be done with them for good. 

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Hey All,

Started Chantrix a week ago... and planning my quit date for March 2nd.  The drug seems to be helping with the physical cravings a great deal.  What I seem to be struggling with is putting the habit part out for the count!  I'm a 53 year old firefighter and there are so many parts of my life that are ingrained with smoking... I just can't seem to get my head around them.

One interesting thing happened a few weeks ago that really hightened my awareness; I went to a weekend training seminar with 175 other firefighters.  I was the ONLY smoker!!!!


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Took Chantix last year for 12 weeks, no major side effects. Now quit almost a year.

Meds are a great aid to help you quit but not a magic pill. Determination, understanding your addiction and support play equal roles with quitting smoking cigarettes.

I wish all well, it is worth it.  

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