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Chantix User. Need help.

Hello my fellow quitters.

I need some Chantix help.  I have been on Chantix off and on for 4 months now.  I have stayed quit for 10 weeks and went off the Chantix and went back to a few smokes very quickly and then went back on the Chantix and quit again. This lasted a while and then stopped the Chantix again and started smoking within two days. I seem to be on this cycle of doing fine  while on Chantix but within a few days of going off ofit I fall right off the wagon.

What I would like to know is has anyone been on Chantix for longer periods of time?  At this point I am almost thinking a year.  is that doable?  Has anyone else had Chantix work and then fail once they quit taking it?

I am getting very, very discouraged.



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5 Replies

Hi there,

I'm a Chantix user too, I think it's important to understand that Chantix hits the nerve centers that gain pleasure / crave Nicotine, and so prevent you from smoking a cigarrette to get the same feeling - Once you stop taking you don't have that crutch, but hopefully you have lost the habit of reaching for cigarrettes _ I think you should plan a quit chantix date, and a week before that go to 1/2 dose - Then if your feeling anti resistant to wanting to smoke maybe 1/2 pill everyother day, or whatever works for you, and taper off - Just like quitting smoking have a plan on staying away from "triggers" and another way to deal with said triggers. Blow up a balloon/walking/whatever.

The Chantix won't fix YOU, It just helps you to fix YOU

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I quit twice with Chantix and had the same experience you did.  Well, sort of.  The Chantix allowed me to smoke when I wanted to - at the occasional party or whatever - and not get re-hooked.  Until I stopped the Chantix.  Then I'd think I could still light up every once in a while and of course I'd be smoking every day again before I knew it.

The last time I took Chantix it also really affected my mood, so I didn't consider using it this time.  I just stopped.  And you know, the self-confidence I feel at having been able to make it twelve days without a cigarette is really a better stop-smoking aid than Chantix, at least for me.  It's certainly cheaper! 😉

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Thanks for the posts.  It has been a very odd experience for me. Chantix works so well for me.  Well, at first I did have to put a whole lot of willpower in there as well but after the first couple of weeks it all seemed easy.  I went off of the Chantix a few days ago weaning myself down to a half a pill a day and felt fine. yesterday I got completely nailed and managed to smoke my way through two packs of cigarettes  yesterday.  Yes, two packs which was my usual pre chantix smoking rate.  I woke up today and didn't have any cigarettes in the hosue but when out and bought a pack.  I also restarted the Chantix again this morning.  A lower dose until I ramp up and then hopefully I will join the ranks of the nonsmokers again.

Here is what is so discouraging.  I completely get over the smoking and I mean completely and then when I go off the Chantix it is like I never stopped.   I am wonder if having the strategy of being a low dose user for a long period of time is a good one. 

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my doctor said it was ok to stay on as long as need

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That is just what I wanted to hear.  Thanks.

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