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Battling buying smokes HELP!

Ohmygerd The last 12 hours all I think about cigarettes
Went to bed with it, got up at 3 with the thought.  Still heavily in negotiations with my addiction.
And wanting to go back to that life style

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/blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2020/08/26/practice-this-breathing-exercise?sr=search&searchId=68ea3788-9d...‌  Stay Close.  Do not go to the store. Stay on line. Choose Freedom. NOPE no matter what.  You do not have to act on every thought.  You an get through this if you go through it.  It will not kill you. smoking will. 


The breathing helped for a few mins.   I do have it marked in my favs so it is easy to access thank you, for a quick resolve that worked quickly.  


Use your tools.  You don't want to start over with this many days won.  Stay close in the meantime.



Hi AnAussieMom,

Don't go to the store, IT WILL PASS!

I know the emotions are driving you, but think about the benefits....

  • No more planning your life around the next time you light up
  • No more wasting 7 minutes to shorten your life
  • No more standing in the rain (or snow) to smoke
  • Better Smell - that smell sticks to your clothes and hair
  • Better Skin
  • Better Breathing
  • A better night's sleep - when I smoked, I snored - sometimes waking myself up....
  • More money - smoking is an expensive way to shorten your life.

Figure out what is driving you to think smoking would help the situation - it won't 

Breathe deep - eat a hard candy - drink water - use a few strategies to move pass it.

I understand. I use to dream about smoking. I use to wake up in the middle of the night and go outside to smoke. I am sooooo happy I have changed my life and you can as well.

Here is a link to 101 things to do instead of smoke.

101 things to do instead of smoking. - Quit Support 

Stay strong. I support you.



No no please no! It's the devil Nicodemon messing with your brain! Read Bob's new bog post "A thousand days a thousand deaths" Don't give up your POWER! Not to a nasty addiction that wants to rob you of everything good. Why are you romancing a stinky smoke? Go deeper! It's not physical anymore: it's emotional/mental. I was a chronic relapser & believe me that first drag will taste like s***. Literally. And you won't feel good, you'll feel horrible.  Guaranteed! Keep your power, keep your health, keep your $$$ and keep your self-esteem. Say YES to a better "lifestyle."

Not applicable

You don't want to smoke , your addiction wants you back . Starve the beast and it won't come back when it gets the message enough times . Each time you refuse its demands it loses its grip on you and then you can breathe . 

Good job posting ! Excellent choice . 

You have made huge progress , keep going .. envision that finish line . Day one will only put you back at start , you won't be able to run the race for coughing and breathlessness and you don't want that .. 

Remember the Ds today , and remember halt . Hungry , angry , lonely,  tired . 

Write your why your quitting list , write the benefits you've felt this far .. The little things are big things. 

I know the anxiety seems overwhelming but you are healing . We are so proud of you . 

Cry , scream into a pillow , run cold water over your head , owalk , anything but smoke . You got this , you are stronger than you think . Believe that ... take action to change your thinking .. the thought will change . 


Thank you need these things so much.   The thought od smoking makes me sick.
However not having them around is causing me to feel like I need to flee to get some cigarettes.

My bp is quite high this AM.  Just checked it.  Im also so tired, and the nights and sleep feel like Im fighting in my sleep????? Cannot explain it... Really

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Maybe some chamomile tea? I use melatonin with l-theanine as a sleep aid. Every night these days. I believe covid is causing underlying stress for anyone who is exposed to the media these days...I've had smoking thoughts "for no reason" lately and that's when I stay away from the news...

Not applicable

I think someone above posted a breathing excersise .. now might be a good time to practise bringing down your anxiety level ..

inhale , take in a big breath of calm and slowly ,

slowly .. SLOWLY  exhale the anxiety ..

envision your anxiety at a ten then as you breathe out watch the numbers decrease ,

as you do , feel your body release the tension and your blood pressure going down ..

repeat til you feel you are at a comfortable level ... maybe a five feels better than 8 . 

Do this several times ... really focus on becoming relaxed . 

I have high high blood pressure , and am on two medications ... do monitor if you have been diagnosed and always check with your dr if you have concerns about your blood pressure  and let them know as well that you are quitting smoking .  I'm not sure if you are on meds but you know if it's of concern and what to do .. . Take care of you .. all the reason more not to smoke right . 

You are on track , right where you are suppose to be .. and although some days are uncomfortable the key is to be patient .. you can acknowledge it's a harder day today but remember easier days usually follow harder ones .