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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Bupropion AKA Wellbutrin XL

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I got my doctor to give me a prescription for this medication. Has anyone taken this medication and is it effective ?.

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1 Solution
13 Replies

HI @j3ffmeadowsgm Great.  I believe you asked this the other day.   Yes I used it along with nicotrol inhalers for my final quit   You can use nicotine replacement along with it.  You do take this for awhile before you quit, so follow the directions.


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My doctor wrote back and said to take it for five days before my quit date. I am hoping it helps me get through the days. I really want to make it past three days. I can't afford to be angry with myself or beat myself up for failing to quit. I really hope it helps me quit for good. I am sick of feeling sick and being in extreme pain. I want to get up in the morning feeling good and attending the day. I need to get back to work and right now I am too sick to function.


Jeff sorry to hear you’re sick. 
I’m 63.  Been smoking since I was around 13 or 14, so roughly FIFTY years. 
I’ve quit more times than I can remember, sometimes for a few weeks, sometimes a couple days. 
In the past, I always used nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nicotine vapes, or nicotine lozenges.

And I could never understand WHY I couldn’t kick the NICOTINE ADDICTION, lol!
So this time I did something totally different.  I had a conversation with The Almighty.  As a Christian, I already know that I’m to treat my body as a temple.  I told Him that I’ve been unable to kick this addiction on my own, and simply asked Him to help me... to either ease the cravings and calm my nerves, or just take away the desire all together.  I SIMPLY ASKED FOR HIS HELP IN DOING SOMETHING HE WOULD HAVE ME DO ANYWAY.  

Jeff, I was amazed that for the first time, the hard cravings were GONE.  Yes, I’ve thought about cigarettes a few times, but I quickly went back to a short prayer and appreciation for Him helping me this far.

It’s only been two weeks, but the difference THIS time is that it’s been two weeks with ZERO NICOTINE, and that’s made all the difference. 

I know I’ve got this - this time. Or I should say, He’s got this.  I’m finally done.  If I can do it after FIFTY years through prayer, you can too.  

All the best!


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Hello @VoiceGuyDrew . I've prayed to God to help me get through the pain and sickness but never thought to pray to Jesus.

I am going to start on Wellbutrin sometime this week and I hope it will help me get through the days with no smoking.

I am trying to get it right and for me it is science and chemistry. I am really hoping Wellbutrin works for me and I will be praying as well. I need to quit smoking and I need some kind of intervention.

I have always prayed to God and it never crossed my mind to pray to Christ. Anyway, Father Son and Holly Ghost are the trinity and are one and the same so as I pray to God I also pray to Christ.


It did help me quit cigarettes but now I vape but really want to quit that too.

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@Ndishion Someone asked recently about using aids to quit vaping.  I couldn't find any specific information on that topic.  If you're thinking about using Welbutrin to quit vaping, I would check with your doctor. Hopefully they would have some knowledge on the the subject.

Glad you're here to quit vaping.  It's still a nicotine addiction so the information on this site to quit still applies.

This link will get your started.




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Thank you @CommunityAdmin for moderating this group. I appreciate your help.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

My pleasure!  

@j3ffmeadowsgm wrote:

Thank you @CommunityAdmin for moderating this group. I appreciate your help.

@j3ffmeadowsgm  @VoiceGuyDrew If you're wanting to connect with others who choose to incorporate their personal spiritual and faith based views as part of their quit please check out  Faith & Spirituality - EX Community   It's a safe place where you can be more free to express those beliefs and the impact they have had on your journey. You'll be among others who likely share similar beliefs.

EX Community Admin Team
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