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Using quitting medication in persons with a mental illness

Mayo Clinic
10 25 1,338

If you have a mental health problem you may have concern about whether you should use quitting medication to aid in an attempt to quit smoking? To help address this common concern, the largest smoking cessation study ever completed called “EAGLES” was conducted. Findings from the study can be found in the Lancet. Here are some highlights. 

The EAGLES study had over 8,000 participants (about 4,000 with a mental health diagnosis and 4,000 without). Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of the following treatments: nicotine patches, varenicline (commonly called Chantix), bupropion (commonly known as Wellbutrin or Zyban), or placebo (“sugar pill”) only. The study found: 

  • All three medications led to higher quit rates compared with placebo 
  • Varenicline led to the highest quit rates 
  • There were no significant differences observed in how effective the medications were among people with different mental health conditions or no mental health diagnosis.  
  • The side effects of the medications were at expected rates and were not higher for persons with mental health conditions 

So what does this mean? First, quitting medications are as safe for tobacco users with mental health problems as for those without mental health problems. Second, using any of the medications led to higher quit rates than using the placebo. Medications can help make your quitting journey more comfortable and more successful. Talk to your doctor and feel free to share this information with them!  

Dr. Hays


@Dr_Hays Thanks for the reminder that quit aids are a good thing when used properly.  They often get a bad rap from some quitters.




This is very reassuring as someone who suffers from anxiety and agoraphobia. I don't know why but when a doctor says it's okay it feels so much better than when someone who you know says they had no problems. Glad I found this.


Chantix has helped me a lot


I want to succeed in quitting but have limited income


@Nanna3288   Welcome to the Ex.  If you have insurance, some quit aids are covered such as Welbutrin, Chantix, and nicotrol inhalers.   You should be able to obtain free nicotine replacement by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW to reach your states quit helpline.

No matter how you choose to quit, cold turkey or with aids, you need to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and have a quit plan. Many have found success with knowledge and preparation. It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful. In addition to some aids for my final quit, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit. For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too. We're here to support you on your journey. So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge. It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 20th.

Stay busy and stay close.


(Consider posting to My Journal/Blog on the home page to introduce yourself to the community and receive some well deserved support.)




Having trouble paying for my nicotine patches where can I get help?


@kimlucille31 Welcome to the Ex. Glad you're here.

Contact your state quit line at 1-800-QUIT-NOW.

Look forward to you being here with us on your journey to becoming an Ex!



This is a great tool to help people in some of their hardest times with quitting smoking. 


Glad to see that mental health is being taken seriously 


I'm trying to quit smokingn

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Ealberts I'm glad to that you reached out for support. Two issues that can affect your journey is motivation and the ability to cope with situation that may cause you to fall back into the cycle again. It's not easy breaking a habit, but being prepared and knowing your "why" can help you become smoke free for good! 

I've attached some articles on Stay Quit and Why Quitting Feels Hard:

-Quiana, EX Team



Reading tips on quitting smoking when you feel anxious about the process helps to know that you are not alone and you can be successful 


Thanks, I always said I wouldn’t try medication to help me because I was scared but I’m definitely going to look into it now


@Maymay1209 There are lots of good articles about quit aids. I used Welbutrin and niocotrol  inhalers. and they made the physical withdrawal symptoms so much easier.

Here are a few more posts from the Mayo Clinic you might find helpful.

To NRT or Not to NRT – That is the Question - EX Community

Trying to decide on a short-acting nicotine replac... - EX Community

Why Take Medications To Quit Smoking? - EX Community

Better Than Turkey: Using NRT to Manage Cravings - EX Community

Perspective on Nicotine - EX Community




Thank you!


We have to try and save our body for the future. We to the oath to try to live health for our love ones.


Be very careful with Chantix!!! I used this med to quit smoking years ago and it caused me a nightmare of an experience. 
First able, it gave me horrible side effects such as, severe irritability, anxiety and depression, but I decided to put up with it because I wanted to quit smoking badly. 
Second, I wasn’t told I couldn’t drink not even a glass of wine and I did, just one glass though, all of the sudden, I started to feel very depressed, highly irritable and even suicidal. I then passed out! My friend called 911, when the EMTs arrived I was already conscious and already trying to cut myself with a pair of scissors that, were the only “sharp” thing (not enough sharp though because I couldn’t manage to cut myself) handy after my friend had left me in her bathroom where I passed out and while she was waiting for the ambulance by her house door. 
When the paramedics saw me with the scissors, tried to take them away and I fought them back until they managed to take them away, I didn’t know they were paramedics I just felt they were two individuals that came out of nothing assaulting me. I was out of it… They fought me hard and put me face down pressing my chest to the ground to the point that I couldn’t breath for a moment. They were so violent! I managed to bite one of them’s hand trying to defend myself and, he turned even more violent. They managed to take inject me injected me with a tranquilizer and take me to the ambulance and I woke up in the psyche ward the following day.
I had to stay there for the next 72grs but because it was a Friday and the following Monday was a holiday I ended up there for 5 days…

Once I was out, I researched Chantix’s side effects and found out dozens of articles published in newspapers and internet about several men and women that were on Chantix while they had either, killed a family member or members and killing themselves after or, killing someone and surviving the event and now in prison!!! (You can do your own research about it maybe is still up if, the Chantix manufacturer hasn’t managed to take them down somehow) 

The statistics were astonishing, Chantix had been banned in whole Europe and never allowed there. I’m astonished myself that after all these horrible events published the medication is still on the market in tge U.S. I just can’t believe it. Indeed, money has power. The medication’s manufacturer company most have invested millions and millions on political lobbying to remain in the market…

Lots and lots of politicians most have become super rich with this company. 

So, please be careful if are or thinking on taking this medication, do yourself a favor a better stay away from it and try something else. 


@azelaya421 Sorry you had such bad side effects, but just know that many quitters have used Chantix without any problems. What you experienced is not a common side effect..  Individuals with certain existing conditions should not use it.  For example, if mood changes occur, a doctor should be consulted. I tried it once and only had an upset stomach.

This may be what you're referring to.

Chantix recall - EX Community



Knowing this makes me feel better about starting verenecline soon. 


I am quitting cigarettes on my own.I made up my mind.mind over matter.I know I can do it.You'll see.

  • No comment,Actions speak louder than Words.

@dw994293 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your quit day tomorrow.  I agree.  Yes you can do it.



Can you take Chantix if you’re already on the max dose of Wellbutrin for depression? 


@amybrosnan Welcome to the Ex.   It's probably best to check with your doctor, but I'll include the Mayo on this post.





About the Author
An expert in tobacco use and dependence, Dr. Hays has authored and co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book chapters on various aspects tobacco dependence and its treatment. Since joining the Nicotine Dependence Center in 1992, he and its staff have treated more than 50,000 patients for tobacco dependence.