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Share your quitting journey

what goes here in the title ??

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Okay so I am still cheating half a cig a day . So I suppose that means I must change my quit date ? I still feel like I have quit since I am trying very hard I have been smoking for 50 years everything seems like a trigger . Another problem i have is my room mate and friend ( 20 year friendship and living together ( we are not partners in the relationship sense ) She smokes and is cutting down but with no real quitting plan she will not smoke outside or even in just her own room . I know this makes it all the more difficult for me to quit altogether has anyone else lived with a smoker and still managed to quit and stay quit ? Please give me advice if you can .


In the groups tab there is a group called the best of ex and it has links to the allen carr book, 100 things to do other then smoke, and some good advice.  

Also the button under your quit counter is all about slipping up.  Then you have another button to continue or to restart.  I quit on the 19th but every other day I end up smoking.  I have decided not to let that stop me from quitting.  Today I have posted quit smoking pictures all over the place to help keep me motivated.  My daughter got me a beautiful purse that I get in a month if I still have not taken another puff.  

Yes, I am quitting with another smoker in the house.  The worst part is the ease I can give in to a crave and smoke.  But just keep at it.  Feel sorry for them.  Enjoy the bennifits of not smoking such as being able to smell things better (get some flowers), taste food, get some yummy foods to try.  You can do this.  


Bonnie -- it is extra hard to quit with a smoker in the house, and I think the only way you can do it is if you know that smoking does nothing for you.  I am also a 50+ year smoker (started at 13, now 66 and on Day 28 of not smoking).  Every time I quit before I went back to smoking because I felt deprived..  I thought I got something out of smoking and envied others who "could" smoke.  But this time I've learned that smoking did nothing for me at all.  The only thing I got from smoking was COPD.  I don't feel deprived at all, and so having people in my condo who smoke out on the balcony and come in smelling like smoke with cigarettes readily available doesn't make me want to smoke. 

Is your friend actively sabotaging your quit?  Is she encouraging you to smoke.  If so, it's probably wise to ask her to stop doing that.  You can't make her quit, but you can stand up for your own.

I posted a blog a few days ago that was directed at people who were newly quitting.  I would love it if you would read it.  Also, please read the Allen Carr book (and here is a link to the free online PDF version:

It totally changed the way I feel about smoking.  Maybe it will help you, too.

We're here for you.


Gosh, Bonnie, you've gotten some wonderful advice above! There are several of us on here who have quit smoking while living with other smokers. They will be able to advise you further, but the above is a WONDERFUL start.


What goes in the title?  Whatever you want.  The fact is you put up a blog and people in this support community read them - no matter what the title.  So you're off to a good start.

Your quit date it the day you quit smoking.  Period.  That's the day there are no more excuses allowed.  That's the day that you agree to the NOPE Doctrine (not one puff ever.)  You can cheat as much as you want up to that day.  Cheating after that is simply relapsing.  If you have a quit counter and you relapse, it upon your honor to set that counter back to 0.  But let's not start off a quit campaign thinkng in those terms.  I don't know when you set your quit day to begin with.

Here we take quitting quite seriously.  It's not a game.  Rather it's about life and death.  Because most of us have had friends and family who have died of smoking related diseases, or we're sufferiing from them ourselves.  So it's not a joke.  The the commitment must be total if you want the freedom we have.

Everything IS a trigger in the beginning.  If you were like me, you smoked every 15 minutes - trigger or not.  That's what addiction is.  The more you read on here, the more you'll understand the nature of it and how to overcome it.  Mostly it's about mindset.  So stick around and read and keep blogging.  You'll learn much.  Welcome.


Cheating?  1/2 a cig a day?

Holding on to 1/2 a cig a day is cheating yourself!

Make a list of all the good things about smoking and put that 1/2 cig somewhere in that massive list.


I do wish therewere "like"buttons to hit for all of your great advice I am off to work now haven,t had a puff yet !

About the Author
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .