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Share your quitting journey

thanks to all for word of encouragment.

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 I have been trying alot of different things unsuccessfully...Nicotine replacement always lead back to smoking cigarettes or doing both the NRT adn smoking. I started chantix 2 months ago(this is not a nicotine replacement therapy), I was told I could keep smoking while taking this for the first few days. Chantix does what it claims and redcues the cravings and pleasurable effects of smoking...I can honestly say I had no cravings for cigs. chantix also has alot of foul side effects so I will ber happy to be able to stop taking it soon.

On chantix, Even in the absence of craving and pleasure from smoking...I continued to smoke, much less at first and eventually was back up to a half a pack a day. so after talking to my doc last friday and telling her this, she said there was no need to keep taking chantix if i am going to continiue to smoke. I left the appointment thinking how rediculess and lazy that i didnt have enough self control ( in the absence of cravings due to chantix) to not smoke cigarettes (definately, addition behavior). with every cigarette I smoked on saturday I thought more about this....waking up on sunday morning I decided I was going to quit. Now I will continue to take chantix til I prove to myself that I can manage without smoking. Today is the first day i have really had any anxiousness....

thanks again for the words and look forward for more conversation going forward.


Yup - sounds to me like you had yet to make the DECISION.  Do the readings suggested previously.  You may wonder how that will help - but I promise it WILL!

You don't have to "manage without smoking."  You will change up your habits - drink your coffee in a different location and with the other hand.  Change up your routine to lessen the smoking triggers.  This IS a job - it doesn't happen without some conscious effort on your part.  There is no magic bullet that gets you through.  You make the decision to quit and honor it, no matter what!

You will do this one minute, one hour, one day at a time.  It's how we ALL did it.  We are living proof that it can be done!  We know how and we are here to help you be successful.



I was also on Chantix and I am smoke free for 261 days now.  Chantix will work but you have to work with it.  You have to find the right mind set and educate yourself about your addiction and what we are up against.  Your doctor is right if you are not going to quit~ quit taking it. Yes it does have several side effects, but nothing that you can't deal with, right?  There is no physical pain is there?  If there is than that is a whole different issue. I wish you luck on your new beginning!



Nothing will quit for you - you have to make up your mind to quit - and that sometimes is the hardest part.  When I quit on May 1st of this year, I don't think that I really had my mind made up but after joining this site and reading and educating myself on the addiction, I was able to get my head in the right place.  Hopefully I can keep it there.  Good luck to you - quitting is a do-able thing!

Jennifer 89 DOF


I used Chantix on previous quits, and it does work! The side effects are awfull though. Hang in there and you will be off the Chantix AND the nicotine in no time! Sometimes it is hard going off the Chantix, so just don't get over confident when that stage comes.


I would do the readings.....I think having ones head in the right place is a big help....

I've never used Chantix or any NRT's during any of my quits, so I can't speak to that....

But I can say that educating yourself about the addiction to nicotine, plus coming here and listening to the "elders" (they are the ones with long quits, who know what they are talking about the most) is probably most important....

I never stop learning from them.....stay close to this CAN do this!!!!


there are two things about cigg addition First your a nicotine addict, the other is that you think you enjoy smoking (after supper, first thing in the morning.....) and then is that you smoke because your mind is the habit of smoking., Allen CArr, www.whyquit. EDucated yourserlf. The drugs  will not help If your willing to take the step to being a non-smoker.  Also you must change your mind set. Positive attitude. I Will Stop Smoking.


Cold turkey I had crazy dreams I would of thought I was on something it's very doable first week is a little challenging 2cnd gets better and so on its a long journey but after a while it's very easy just takes time 


I think doing the reading was the biggest help to changing my mind set. I went into this quit with the thought that "giving up cigarettes" was the hardest thing I would ever do and I really doubted I could do it. I had tried many times and had always failed.  Through all the reading I learned and came to really believe that I was addicted to nicotine.I was not a hopeless failure. I was ignorant about addiction.  I learned what to expect and how I could address the challenges of becoming nicotine free. The first week was difficult . The second was a little better and it has gotten better and better as time goes on. But I now know that addiction has some very predictable stumbling blocks and I need to stay close to the support and accountability I found here if I want to stay smoke-free. There is no magic to it. With a desire to quit, knowledge of what you need to do and willingness to listen to those who have succeeded you will do this!