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Share your quitting journey

newbie on my first week

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Hi, I decided to quit smoking and yesterday was my quit date. I am quitting with the help of the patch. I am finding that there are periods during the day that I go through where I really would like a smoke. I know I can do this, its just trying to get past the first week. I would appreciate any advice that anyone has who has or is trying to quit while on the patch.


Sweet or salty and crunchy... when you get a craving - pop in some gum or chew on some salted peanuts.  I'm also doing the patch.  This is how I've made it to day 31!


The most important thing you can do is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your mind and body. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version or it:  You are starting to read a bit late, but I know it will be worth the time invested:

Read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful on this site.  You might also want to visit, and

The idea is to distract yourself through the cravings.  Don't let that thought rattle around in your head alone!  A crave will last about three minutes whether you smoke or not.  Go for a brisk walk, march in place, do a few jumping jacks, clean a drawer, do a crossword puzzle, play a computer game..........there are blogs with lists of 114 things to do instead of smoke on my page.  The conversation in our head CANNOT be:  "I want a cigarette.  No!  But - I WANT a cigarette.  NO!"  Instead, it needs to be "I want a cigarette.  Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will late?"  Then DO it!

Stay close to us here and ask for advice and support as you need it. We all want to help you be successful!



Quit 7/4/12


Deep breaths, distraction, walk, type, dance anything thing you can think of.  Hotmoma also gave good idea. The first few days, I tore up some pretzel, ice cream and fudge rounds. Celery and carrots help to. bubble qum. Like hotmama  said  we will have the energy to burn off what we eat 

Renee 11 and counting


Some great advice above.

Educate yourself on nicotine addiction, even if you think you know it all already.

The addictive brain plays head games with you, so no matter what or how you feel, don't smoke. It's that simple and that complicated. 

Change up your routines whenever you can. It can be difficult to effect change with all the same patterns, so do what you normally do, but with a new twist. Ie, drive to work on different road, drink orange juice instead of coffee in the morning, play a board game with someone instead of watching television at night.

As you relearn life without cigarettes, you are creating a new normal for yourself. 

Drink plenty of fluids to flush the toxins. Eat as healthy as you can. Get plenty of rest. When you are over hungry or over tired, it can create added stress to your day and therefore, challenge your quit.

Congrats on deciding to take your life back.



Really read and listen to everyone's advice above.  You get out of your quit EXactly the amount of work that you are willing to put into it!

My first impression of what you said is that you wanted to just get through the first week.  I only quit smoking for ONE DAY AT A TIME.  I could not even think about 7 days in a row!  Whew!  That seemed like forever.

Please do your homework.  Knowledge is POWER.  You MUST know your ENEMY to be successful.  I am approaching 500 ONE DAYS!!

You can do this too!



Welcome! You have done it! Keep telling yourself that! You have DONE it. You're not "trying" or "hoping". YOU DID IT!!! All you have do to now is stick with it! You can do it! Look at all of the folks here who smoked for years and years (some more than 50) and they did it! You didn't wait until you got some deadly disease. You still have a fighting chance to avoid that aweful bullet!

Good Job!



I'm going to tell you how I got off the patch.

I learned what made me want to smoke and to laugh out loud when I craved.

this came about when I realized it was only a decision to smoke and I could choose not to. Made me laugh.

when I laughedm I realized laughing made the craves go away.

I used 10 patches over 2 weeks . whwn I forgot two days in a row and realized I could do it without the patches, I listened to my body and just stopped.


Yay,you made it to blogs! You got all the info you need for right now! Yikes,don't feel overwhelmed! We've all been in your shoes and know that it can be difficult. Welcome, again and Congrats on your decision to quit!


Congrats on your first week!! Be sure to check out the reading above - and the other best thing to do to protect your quit - stick around here! Welcome! 


Thank you all for such helpful information.