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Share your quitting journey

my first blog

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I have been smoking for 20+ years and I have told myself over and over I need to quit smoking, and I have tried and failed every time. I set my quit date for September 5 and I quit for a whole 2 days. I found myself at the store and I caved and bought a pack of ciggs. I am so mad at myself!! Can anyone tell me how to divert the cravings? The whole time I was telling myself, don't stop at the store, don't do it, but I did anyway. I feel like I will never be able to quit...I don't want to smoke anymore. I'm so frustrated with myself!!

If you start focusing on the thought of smoking, you will smoke.

You can't let that thought build. When you get a craving, you need to say OUT LOUD

"I don't do that anymore" until your brain realizes you mean what you say.

Laugh out loud

Listen to music

Bite into a lemon (Skin and all)

Stick your head in the freezer and breathe the cold air.

Don't go to the store where you bought your cigs. Shop somewhere else.

You must begin doing things differently, breaking your smoking patterns, getting off autopilot.


Also I might add to press on the icon cat above me on jonescarp aka dale's page and read his blog.  It will help you with your quit and mentally prepare you for your journey.  You can do this and WELCOME!!!!!


When the thoughts occured tome so strongly I had to change focus, tell myself I'll think about that later, get busy with something, anything. Most important , as Dale said , don't allow the thought to even stay in your head because then it becomes a battle....yes I will- no I won't. 

If you bought them, throw them out right away! Keep reading here! I know you can do this! It gets easier and easier!


When I get cravings for a smoke, even in the first few days of my quit I'd give my head a shake and say I don't smoke anymore. I am now smoke free and choose a healthier lifestyle, stay strong .


I agree with everyone above. The craves come and go. Keep up the good fight. Don't buy any cigs. 

Your Addictive Thoughts are just thoughts ! They do not command you! You get to decide whether to pay attention to them or to the thoughts you have wanting Freedom from addiction! Determination closes the door on relapse - slam!!! Focus allows you to change the direction of your thoughts! Practice makes it all happen faster and less intensely! Find your Quititude and free your mind!

Everybody has given you some great advise--don't beat yourself up or feel quilty about returning to smoking. That is nonproductive. Read, read, and read more about the addiction to nicotine.


Thank you all so much for your advice and comments!

Remeber it will get better and better. There will be some tough times, but that wont last forever.....When you come out the other side, the feeling of not being a slave to nicotine, is almost like a euphoric high.

I will fight for this feeling and I will fight for you to get it. So will a lot of others...You are not alone