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made it through the weekend

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I had no idea how many people say "I only smoke when I drink"

It was a big weekend for get togethers and parties and I didn't slip. I drank and still didn't slip. I was prepared for it, gave myself a peptalk everytime someone lit a cigarette. I don't need those nasty little things! It was great!

22 days of freedom! My depression is lifting, my anxiety is getting less and less, and I've started branching out in my social circle. Running a 5k this weekend and taking a day trip to new orleans with some girlfriends. I couldn't have afforded to do it or even wanted to do it while I was a sad, anxious, smoker. The thought of the long car ride with no smoking would have sent me into a panic attack.


Good Job. You are moving into your new normal.

Keep It Up!

Fantastic! WTG! Yes I hear so many people say that about smoking and drinking. A lot of former smokers I know say they still crave one when they drink! So it IS something to be on our guards with always! Congrats on a big 22 days! You are doing great!

Stay vigilant if you smoke and drink.  You really don't know what your tipping point is when your brain talks you into thinking that "just one won't hurt"  and you start to think it's true.   One will ALWAYS lead to others - maybe not immediately, but sure as the sun rises, you will start your smoking all over again.

The 5K and trip sound just wonderful!  The new you is emerging.  Isn't she wonderful?



I'll never do that 'smoke when I drink' excuse. I know how that turns out!


I like this new normal. even my skin looks different!


When I get a craving, I just think about this site and all the people in my 'real' life that I would have to admit failure to. The biggest would be my kids. I don't want that.