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Share your quitting journey

it has begun

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My patch is on, hubby just left for work, and with him took all lighters, and cigarettes. I only slept about 4 hrs last night. I'll be glad when I stop waking up in pain. I've read that when you are smoking, you don't heal as fast. Maybe that's what's making me hurt still. It's been a little over a month since the surgery, I would have thought the pain would be gone. So that's deffinately something I'll be waiting to see if there's improvement on. I've heard alot of people talk about how food will taste better, and breathing better etc.. I can't wait to experience that for myself. I smoked for 20 years. I can't even remember what it was like to not smoke, or what breathing felt like, or the taste difference.

Keep noticing all the positives in not smoking!  It will make your quit journey so much easier. The freedom is one of the best things, no more being a slave to smoking. 


Hi and congratulation on day 1! I think it really takes closer to 6 weeks for the majority of healing and 6 mo. to be totally healed. That is major surgery. Very wise choice to quit now. Hopefully you can avoid the nasty copd. Good, also, that your husband is so supportive. I love my husband dearly but he smokes in front of me. Mostly because I've tried to quit so many times. Initially he would smoke outside but not anymore. My new quit date will be on Mon. Wishing you the best.



You have done a great job of preparing, This is the day your life changes

Within the first hours, your blood pressure, your pulse rate, and the temperature of your hands and feet will return to normal.

Within the first 8 hours, The remaining nicotine in you bloodstream will fall to 6.25% Of normal daiy peak levels (Per A 93.75% reduction

Within the first 12 hours, Your blood oxygen levels will increase to normal.

Within the first 12 hours, Your carbon dioxide levels will drop to normal

Within the first 24 hours, that disgusting smell, of a dirty ashtray, will leave your hair andm clothes

Within the first 48 hours, damaged nerve endings will start to grow back, and your sense if smell and taste will return.


I am so proud of you making the decision for you  to quit. We will always be here for you.

God bless

Carolyn and Cookie


Funny thing about surgeons, they always tend to give a wildly inaccurate guess as to when pain will go away. You will heal faster than a 65 year old is what they should say. Have faith in yourself. That is key. Distract. Craves typically last no longer than 3 minutes.

A slip is a choice to smoke. It's giving one's self permission which usually leads to failure because once you choose to smoke once, people usually use that as an excuse to do it again. Don't do it.


Day 1!!!! Good for you!


Hi Melissa. You are doing the best thing ever!! So glad you are taking care of yourself! Congrats on Day 1. Stay close here and read and blog, learn from all the great people here and lean on us!!!

You've done the preparation and the planning.  NOW is the time the rubber meets the road.  Stay committed!  Use the tools and knowledge you have gathered. 

I promise the effort will be worth it.  You CAN do this!  Stay close.



If you think you can.... you will.  Congrats on taking a step toward health.


Congrats on day 1 Melissa.  Drinks lots of water, do slow deep breathing when a crave hits.  You've got this!


Hi, Melissa! 

So glad you decided to quit!

Check out 1 for many helpful hints as far as what to eat and drink these first few days and how to comfort your body and mind!

Wow guys.. that you for all of the support! It brought a huge smile to my face. It's now 10:08am.. been up since 4. No cigs! Started wanting one a few minutes ago, got me my breakfast, took my meds, let my dog out, and came here to distract myself. Hubby kind of iritates me. He called me after he got to work to see how I was doing. He decided to leave a pack of cigs on the front porch.. I got rather angry about that. I made it very clear to him that I wanted them gone, so there was no temptation.. kind of made me want to cry..his response was he left them incase I wanted them, that if I smoke them I smoke them, if I didnt, I didn't.. he knew today was my quit day 😞 I kinda feel let down

I've got to tell you, he may be the fly in the ointment.

Hold your ground and tell him if he intends to do that, he must be wanting to to fail.

You can do this.

Michwoman started a new group yesterday and it has some great live links that will occupy you if you check it out.

One is a live barnyard with sound you can make full screen.

Another is a moving view of the beach at Carlsbad CA

Another is the live webcams at the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park.

Stay strong.

Short term crave breakers are on my blog from yesterday

Thx dale, I'll check them out.. hope they will play on my phone!
It's a no go.. my phone (galaxy s5) doesn't support adobe flash player... I can always go to youtube!

Congrats on day 1, and the first day of the rest of your life! I think the hardest part is making the decision to do it, and a close 2nd is saying no everytime the addiction tries to tempt you. 

I'm sure you already have a list of things to do that will help when the going gets tough, but I made a list of 50 things on my blog if you want to check it out. 


One minute, one hour one day at a time!!  Stay strong and always moving forward!


Melissa, please stay strong.  

Your husband is doing what many smokers do when their loved ones/friends decide to quit.  He may not be doing it consciously, but he is attempting to sabotage your Quit.  He's not doing it in a mean-spirited way.  In fact, as I said, he probably doesn't even realize that he's doing it.  But he IS doing it by leaving cigarettes available to you on purpose.

And he's doing it in a way that allows him to NOT take any blame if you smoke; "Hey, all I did was try to HELP you in case you really needed a cigarette.  I didn't MAKE you smoke.  That was YOUR decision, not mine".

Weeeell...technically, he's correct.  Smoking or not smoking IS totally up to you.  But, hey, c'mon, Hubby...  

I think I'll go write a blog right this minute about why in the world our loved ones (who smoke) tend to sabotage us without really meaning to hurt us.  Watch for it, Melissa, okay?  And, if you haven't already done so, destroy that pack of cigarettes.

You are going to be just fine.  Stay strong.  Stay close to us on EX today.

xxxooo,   Sky