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Share your quitting journey

day 3

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ok this is day 3 that i joined this website and i see what i write and what people say when i write it.that helps me alot.yall are saying dont do what im doing by putting 6 cigarettes in a pack because when that run out ill want more.i think im going to have to go in to rehab or something cause this is hard on me and im going through alot right now like i said before but if i had someone to talk to when ni have that urge then i think i could do it but do anyone know a rehab or website that i could go on cause i know nothing bout this stuff.tell you the honest truth i just wish that i never picked u this habit.i hate it.thats why right now i had some good friend around were i live at but i dont.they all smoke as well and there not trying to quit like i want to.i couldnt even sleep last night and im still up.i had one cigarette this morning.please dont say it that i shouldnt have had it and i knw that .


Hey there, have you looked up Allen Carr's website or read the book yet?

Anyways I know from his website that they have seminars several times a year throughout the country, they also have some sort of online courses too.

I only read his book and it has helped me tremendously to quit



Hi Babygirl, I am sensing that you are getting a little frustrated. Take a nice slow deep breath.

What is really important to quitting smoking is that you learn about nicotine addiction. In some of your earlier blogs, you were given links to go to for information. To find your earlier blogs, look on the left hand side of the screen and click on "view my blogs"

How is making a quit plan for yourself coming along?

I will add you as a friend.  Janet


Have you taken some time to educate yourself on this addiction? Educating is a great place to start. There is some good reading to be found on this site, as well as, other quit smoking sites.

Here's a great book to help you look at quitting a lot differently than you have been.

The sites listed below are just two more places where you can get more of an education on how to quit.

These are just a few links to help you out.

Also, this site suggests doing some 'separation exercises'. These are great because it doesn't focus on cutting back, instead it focuses on separating smoking that cigarette with a function that you normal would have smoked. This helps you prepare you for your quit date, so it's not all a shock or an unfamiliar feeling.

A successful quit always has a good plan, so in addition to educating, prepare a quit kit:

In the beginning of a quit, cravings are frequent, so have a list of 'how to get thru a 3 minute crave'.  ex: take a shower, polish your nails, drink a large glass of water, put your head in the freezer, etc. 

Have a list of 'what to do instead of smoke', available to you. You will have more time on your hands so be prepared. ex: clean out a closet, start a new hobby (singing, dancing, crocheting, volleyball, painting, puzzles, etc)

Set up healthy foods to snack on.  Foods with higher fats or sugars may even make cravings stronger.

Hang out in places that don't allow smoking. ex: go window shopping in a mall, go to a museum, etc

These are just a few examples to start your quit kit. Ultimately, this quit kit will be fit your needs because it's you that will design it. 

Give yourself enough time to educate and prepare, then set a quit date.

Most of all, stay close to the blogs. Your 3D friends may still be smokers, but we're not and we're here to support you and hold your hand when needed.

You can do this. 



This is a quote that helps when I am trying to make a change in my life. Maybe it can be helpful to you.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstein

So I ask myself, what will I do different.


Babygirl... you better read that book ASAP.. see the download that Patty-cake put up..

That book gave me the mental tools i needed to get to day 95!!



