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Yesterday was a huge challenge!

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Well needless to say, I had a huge emotional day. I cried, got mad, irritated, and pissed all at the same time. I was a ticking bomb exploding. My husband, the wonderful man that he is, kept on encouraging me that I was doing good and to just pray and take in some deep breaths. Then he got on one of our "stop smoking" websites and read that vitamin c and cranberry juice can help tremendously at getting the nicotine out of my system faster than just waiting it out. I was willing to try anything. I didn't want to be that emotional I got enough of that with being pregnant.. So we went to the store and I got some orange-mango juice and some smoothie mix.
I need to tell you that not once did I pick up another cigarette. In fact I saw a few people smoking in the wal mart parking lot and thought how gross they looked doing it. It didn't even make me want one. Today is getting a little better. I have actually been able to function without going completely nuts. Thanks for all your prayers and please keep them up. I still have a long road a head of me.


Good job but where's the cranberry juice? It's acidic and removes the nicotine from your body faster, as you read. 🙂 It REALLY helps! But maybe the other juices you bought will also.



Good choice, good perception.  You're doing fine!  Love & Prayers.


wow, what a great husband for support. Great job.


Congrats on day 2!! Love all your clocks!! Cool!