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Share your quitting journey

Will need assistance! Last straw is Chantix.

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Started Chantix yesterday. Nothing else has worked for me - and believe me, I tried it all.  I am so sick of smelling, offensive breath, clothes, car, apartment, etc...  Recently out of a bad 10 yr relationship and it's MY time to change!  I know I have to continue smoking for a week or two while titrating up to 2mg Chantix daily. Still on 0.5mg.  I have a very addictive personailty, and not sure if this will do it for me, but I have to keep the faith (even though I'm not religious).  No more drinking for a good while, as that's a huge trigger.  But so is waking up, with coffee, after meals, driving, etc... I don't know how this will play out, but I am very hopeful.  It would be nice to have a little support from here.  Every gay man I know smokes!  Take a break from friends?!?  Thanks for reading!!  ~Paul


Hi Paul.... your personality comes out in your writing.... I LOVE IT!  so every gay man you know smokes.... but will they support your desire to change?  Not smoke around you?  My partner smokes but has been fairly supportive .... (but now that I've quit I realize how bad it smells and she stinks...)  Anyway.... the most important thing you can do is to learn about the addiction... the EXperts on here will give you reading assignments..!  .. seriously listen to them.  I am on my 36 day but they have been doing it for a LONG time and give great advise.  Different things strike different people... what did it for me was thinking of smoking in a different way.  I am not giving up anything but gaining freedom!!!!  Welcome and heres a link that helped me... simple but helpful....  I am spiritual but not religious.... I still drink my coffee.... and I still hang out with smoking partner and friends.... (but demand respect)



Definitely read the book Tigerladie gave you the link to. It has helped countless people get the right mind set to overcome this addiction.

Also and - EXcellent rescources. Try them! Not only are they helpful but will keep your mind and fingers occupied while you get through craves.

Go back and read past blogs here. They go back a long way and are chock full of inspiration, stories of trials & trubilations that will make you feel "not alone" in your journey, advice, funny things - just about anything.

By the way - you said you have to continue smoking for a week - that is not correct. You can quit any time you want!

Come back and visit us often for support.  You CAN do this!

Paul, the chantix worked for me. I smoked the first week and after that I threw them all away. I am 190 days smoke free. Take the chantix and stay close to this site. Great support and advice here. Do the reading and educate yourself on this addiction. We are here to help

The book worked for me, as does this site and a smoking cessation counselor. I found her through our local hospital's smoking cessation program. As  good fortune would have it, she needs to use grant money. That means her services and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (Chantix, patches, gum, etc.) are free to me as long as I stay on course for 8 sessions every other week. 

We're here to help each other! Be happy to help!



Many of us here thought we could never quit and our backs were to the wall many times, We were in the exact same position that you are in now.

I have an addictive personality also......This may sound crazy, and I dont know if anyone else feels like this, but I feel I am now addicted to the good feelings associated with quiting.....I dont want to lose that

Stay close to this site.....Post everyday.......get involved......stay positive and the magic will begin.....This is your time....


I say do what ever takes. i quit smart turky and relapsed, now on the chantix, with smart turky knowledge. I live with a smoker and he is not always good about, smoking away from.  The second time was harder for me.  so I wanted try with an aid. Patches and nico gum help some peeps, but not me, I wanted the real thing. but each person is diffrent..  If educate your self , your chances will be so much better, and saty close to the community , is so important. 

read what they gave you

 renee 4th day in progress


Thanks to everyone for your replies and help!!  This means alot to me, because I felt all alone in this.  No one in the family smokes, and all my friends smoke.  And I can't spend all my time with my family - if I do, I'd be smoking again.  LOL  The Chantix/Champix is working beautifully... just a handful of cravings, and NO slip-ups.  🙂   I'm 8 days now... who would have ever thought?!?!  LOL  I'm really a party guy, but I still can without those nasty cancer sticks.  I was in a situation where people were smoking right in front of me (it was their house) and I wasn't phased at all.  I got out of a 10 yr relationship about 6 months ago... cheating and lies... I didn't know how I was going to get through it without smoking, but it was on my agenda.  When my balls grew back (haha), I stopped.  Then I found out he was getting married to the guy he was cheating with... 6 months!!  I was so pissed, but made it a point to not give in... and I did it.  It helps that we're 500 miles away  now (I may have killed him - not really).  I plan on reading the book  Tigerladie suggested by Allen Carr.  That can take a while a while.  I just adopted 2 rescue kittens yesterday.  My smoking budget is now my kitty budget.  I turned a negative into a positive!!  🙂   I'm seeing them playing with each other as I type.  Boy and girl, siblings... Tucker and Gabriella (Gabby).  Pet therapy is important, at least for me. I would like to thank you, from the bottom of my "butt"... lol   You are a wonderful people, willing to help ME out, even while you're going through it too!   So super supportive!!!  Thank you sooooo much!!!  Don't be a stranger!!!  ~Paul  🙂  Oh, my email is just in case.  

8th day of FREEDOM!!!