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Which alternative will be best , to quit ???

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Can anyone suggest the best alternative to choose , to quit smoking ?

Hi. I'm using a ten mg.nicotine patch and an e cig for when I think I'm going to slip. What are you thinking about using? All the best Laurat7802.

You should read jonescarps aka dales page concerning the first 4 months of your quit and also read as much as you can here on this site, our blogs comments whatever you can find to educate yourself. I quit cold turkey almost 9 months ago and that was right for me, educate yourself to figure out what is right for you. I used sugar free mints and raw carrots and celery sticks when I was having a tough time with my quit. Chomping  on a carrot helped me for some strange reason. For me with all the negative stuff we are hearing in the news I didn't want anything to do with the e cigs but I can't tell you how to quit but I know if you are willing to go through some rough patches you can and will succeed in your quit. 



Hello, I've found using the gum, or any kind of gum really, helps.  I've also been able to quit cold turkey before but unfortunately started up again.  I am also hoping to find some alternatives to help me quit and stay cigarette free!


I highly recommend reading Allen Carr's The EasyWay to Stop Smoking as you prepare to quit.  As I'm sure you now, quitting is 5% physical and 95% mental, and the way you think about smoking is critical.  Do you believe that when you quit you are giving up something of value?  Do you expect to envy people who smoke?  I smoked for 53 years and thought I would never quit, but when I read this book it completely changed the way I look at smoking.  Here's the link to the free pdf online version:

Whether you use any kind of nicotine replacement therapy or not, your quit is up to you.  You will have craves initially and they're uncomfortable but not painful.  You will feel unsettled for the first three days while the nicotine is leaving your body.  But if you are willing to go through some relatively small amount of discomfort, you can quit and stay quit.    We have a saying around here -- Not One Puff Ever -- NOPE.    If you commit to never smoking again, you can get through those initial craves and find the many benefits of being a non-smoker.

You can do this!


I used Chantix and it worked great.  Helped a lot in the early weeks to get through the cravings.  When you first start taking it you still smoke for the first week and they taste awful.  Your desire for them lessens and makes it easier.  However it has side effects like weird dreams and nausea. The nausea went away fairly quickly.  I used nicotine gum after the Chantix and am in the process of stopping the gum.  The book mentioned above has helped many people also although I only read parts of it and it is good.  Good luck with whichever you choose!


I didn't know they had 10mg patches.  


I didn't know they had 10mg patches.  


I didn't know they had 10mg patches.  


Commitment first.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Get your head in the right place!


My husband asked our family doctor (on my behalf, without my knowledge) how his wife should quit smoking.  GP said "Put them down and walk away."  At the time I thought that was simplistic and condescending.  But, it turns out, for me, that was THE way to quit.  Put that last cigarette out and don't look back.  

I did prepare for that last cigarette day however.  I read Allen Carr, I asked for God's help, I did the prep exercises here, began reading the blogs, got myself psyched, and then jumped in on my chosen quit day.

It was a little hard at first.  But overall, way easier than I expected.  It was my first serious attempt to quit and I am saying I am done forever. the help here from other quitters was ESSENTIAL to me in the beginning.

Educate yourself, prepare, get your tools in order (which may involve NRT for you) and then just do it.  You have it in you to quit or you would not be here blogging.

Now follow thru.


I like the keep them away from your face method. This is where you get rid of all smokes,including e cigs , remove all said evidence of smoking , including the smell . And you keep them away from your face , out of your hands , and out of your life.  You do not buy cigarettes , you do not bum cigarettes , you do not take one more puff ever , not one puff ever.! Nope.

And you commit to that  , and as days turn to weeks ,and weeks turn to months it gets easier and easier to commit to it.  Are you ready ?