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Share your quitting journey

Well, I've had better days.

0 5 11

So Day 5 has had a bit of a rough start.  I slipped up last night, and then again this morning (it's really difficult living with someone who smokes).  My fiance wants to quit smoking eventually, but he isn't ready right now, and I'm not about to force him to do something he isn't ready to do.  It would be unfair of him to expect that of me, and it's unfair of me to expect that of him.  He did, however, agree not to smoke in the car when we're together because driving is definitely my biggest trigger

Spending time in the car is my purgatory of quitting smoking.  No matter how I occupy my time, I still feel like there's a part of me missing.  Just writing that line made me cringe.  It makes me sick to think that cigarettes have become such a huge part of my life that their absence makes me feel like I've lost part of myself.  Whatever, it's fine.  Quitting isn't supposed to be easy, and I knew I would miss cigarettes.  It'll get better one day at a time.

I also just want to take a minute to thank all of you for taking the time to read my posts, commenting with encouraging words, and giving me awesome advice.  This website has been so great during this process because those in my life aren't very supportive, but you guys have really helped me hold it together.  Thanks again you wonderful people!


Comprimise in relationships is a must. My wife quit years ago when we first got together. I didn't smoke in the apartment/now house or the car and she did not hassle me too much about my smoking. Day 6 is almost 1/2 over and yesterday the urges were real bad but I made and so can you.


Have you read Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Quit"?

Follow this link and you can download it for free. I am only on chapter 14 but it has helped me to understand some things about my addiction to nicotiene.


You will never regret staying close here and getting to know other people who are new quitters and those with much wisdom who stay here and help the rest of us! This is a good place to find support from people in all stages of quitting, all walks of life, all shapes, sizes, colors with one thing in common. We are all nicotine addicts and we want to live life without smoking or nicotine addiction.

The only way to quit for good is to build a good foundation for a successful quit and that means you need to learn everything you can about nicotine addiction.  Our addicted mind is in a constant fight with the logical mind. I mean, we know cigarettes will kill us, right? But, the addict in our brains doesn't care, the little nicodemon wants what he wants, so you must know your enemy.

Jen has given you Shawn's link, which has tons of great links and the download to download Allen Carr’s “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking”.  It changed the way I think about nicotine addiction. I hope you'll read it.

Some of the bloggers here can be quite inspiring too! Click on their picture and it takes you to their page, click on blog under their picture and you can read all of their blogs.  If you think they might be a good part of your support network here, click on Add Friend under their picture on their page.

We Love to Help People WIN by QUITTING!

"Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to my Quit. I promise to love, honor and protect my Quit for as long as I am alive."  Moody


How many full days have you gone without smoking?

I thought one of your earlier blogs mentioned you had a couple the first 2 days?

I went back and I don't see that in your blogs.

We start our quits from the last cigarette we smoked NOT from when we started before we smoked (slipped)

There is no such thing as a slip. It's only a word to soften the truth.

People who want to soften the truth regarding smoking will keep floundering.

What is your plan?

Have you done the reading?

White Knuckling doesn't work because no one can white knuckle a quit for 4 1/2 months and that's how long it takes to unlearn smoking.

Second, the ones I know of who white knuckled their quits past no mans land, went back to smoking because they let themselves dwell on smoking and fight it the entire time.

The secret to a good quit is accepting that you have quit and not fighting it.

That's really where the decision comes in. Wanting to quit means nothing until you decide you won't smoke anymore and honor that.


I'm sorry to say you have not slipped, you've relapsed. If you're counting days QUIT, start over. Be honest and start your QUIT again. I have several times. Not proud of it either.

Candy    d95  (and counting)