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Week 6 Quit Review

5 7 201

At six weeks I can definitely say that a lot of my cues have gone away now. I don't get the urge to smoke anymore when I go for walks, after I eat, with my coffee or after sex. I don't get tempted so much when I go to the pub or when I see other people smoke, but working in hospitality again has proved to be a real struggle. That has proven to be one of the most challenging triggers of all.

What I find interesting is that weeks 5 and 6 have actually turned out to be more difficult than weeks 1 to 4. I think in those first four weeks I convinced myself that my smoking habit would be broken. What's more is that I've experienced a lot of doubt about my quit. I would sometimes tell myself that quitting isn't worth the hassle. I tend to tell myself that smoking again isn't worth it but the fact that I've developed that inner monologue can be disheartening at times. At times like that I just try to remind myself that every cigarette that I don't have is a victory.