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Update - 2 weeks of not smoking real cigs

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I guess I need to get 1 of those nifty apps that post how much time since u smoked a real cig and how many cigs avoided ( roughly 15x40 = 600 - 3 cartons alrdy). I didnt save any money tho bc i used it to buy other things- but still, it good to buy things u can use instead of literally burning yr money up in smoke :).

I wonder what people mean when they say they feel better not smoking - if anything I feel worse - I got some terrible mouth sores, from not smoking - i guess my mouth is missing something in that smoke... It starting to get better tho, hope they go away :),

I also can smell smokers now and they don't smell good lol - I guess I smelled like that for 25 yrs - but I also think I am overly sensitive from having recently quit - I remember last time when I quit, after 3 months or so the smell of smoke/smokers stopped bothering me.

I haven't taken my blood pressure, I expect that should be lower, especially since I quit caffeine too - for now - but it never bothered me, just my doctors who'd freak out I 15/8, not sure why - I lived all my life with BP 13/14/15 - ever since my 20's, and so far so good :).

So what exactly am I supposed to feel that is better? I never coughed except after a cold - I guess I'll see when i get the next cold in the fall lol, but I'd like to see sooner...

I never wheezed and I could climb 5 flights of stairs without real hardship - I'd start to get short of breath about 7th floor. Guess Carr was right on that one - you need rlly strong lungs to smoke 2-3 packs a day...

Maybe next week I'll try to climb 10 floors to see if I better at that - i live on 9th floor and I could get there when I smoked 2 packs a day - but needed 3-4 mins to catch my breath after 🙂

I dont post or comment more often because here there is no1 quitting with Zyban - and I can't relate to the cravings of all other quitters - I feel no cravings, just I miss smoking sometimes - and the e-cig helps then. I miss psychologically, not otherwise. 

I read this on a depression forum (been reading those because they have info on the drug I taking) and I swear it true: Zyban (rlly Wellbutrin but it same thing) makes u forget: forget to eat, forget to smoke, forget to care, forget to hurt - it true and I cant thank Glaxo enough for finding this drug - or I could have never stoped smoking even for 2 weeks. Peace out 🙂

I have heard that ecigs cause mouth sores. I would suggest you stop using the ecig.

I never had any mouth sores when I quit.  So maybe they are cause by the ecigs


Don't worry about others not using Zyban - everyone has the same psychological need for what smoking used to provide.  The triggers are the same, as well.

I also would recommend that you use the ecig less or not at all and I think the mouth sores will go away.  Try using cinnamon sticks, straws cut into cig lengths or toothpicks for something for your mouth to do.  Lollipops are also a good substitute.

Congratulations on two weeks!



2 weeks the party is still goin strong.  talk to me in another in another 3 weeks when the party is over and the music stops but you still dancin on de ceiling.

Um not gonna sugar coat it,  ya running towards Hell, & you better be prepared cause Nico Demon ain't about to give up without a fight.  So grab whatever weapons you got cause to get to being a non smoker again you'll have to go thru the HELL ! 

And the 1 one to deal with the Fire is to coe hear and sound of Zyban or now you gonna need us, cause you just startin out and it ain't fun till you come out the other side

Now every one's QUIT is different and you mite not have to go thru HELL to get to Heaven like i did but i suggest you brace yaself, just in case, ......................

However it is well worth the " Bull*hi* you go thru to get ridd ov  Nico Demon.


P.S.  (just a suggestion - ( Dump The e-cigs ) )

N.O.P.E................All 21st Century Longggggg............................


..................And the 1 way to deal with the Fire is to come hear and sound off.  Zyban or not,  You gonna need us, cause you just starting out and it ain't fun till you come out the other side.    


 { Had to correct that so it will make at least a little bit of sense }


Congrats on not smoking real cigs for 2 weeks. I wonder if the reason you don't feel physically better is because you are using the e-cig.  I also agree that not smoking did not cause your mouth sores.  I think  it was probably the e-cigs.  If you really want to quit for good don't use the excuse that you are not breathing better.  I smoked 2 plus packs a day for 52 years.  I thought I was getting away with it.  I had a CT of my chest 2 months ago and the diagnosis is Severe Empysema.  My strong lungs finally caved.  Quitting smoking is pretty difficult for most of us.  It is however worth everything.  God bless you on this journey of a liftime.


This is a link to early withdrawal symptoms.  My mouth broke out, was so tender I couldn't stand it for the first 3 weeks and so it's not hard for me to believe you are having the same symptoms I had. 

I don't know anything about ecigs, so I can't advise you on that with one exception.  I had to learn to stop the hand to mouth habit and knew it was a major part of the addiction.  So, if you CAN, instead of the ecig, just try cutting a straw into 3 parts and use it as your placebo.  I hear it works for a lot of people. Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking!  I smoked 40 years and quit, so I am convinced ANYONE CAN.

All the best,



Lots of people have the mouth sores when they stop smoking, e-cig or not. I did not have them when I switched, but I dealt with other symptoms, such as my lungs clearing themselves of all the junk I had been putting into them. I also dealt with some depression at the 3 week and 6 week marks, and again at the 3 month mark. That lasted about a week each time and then it went away. 

Everyone's quit is different. The e-cig is not causing you to have mouth sores. Many times smoking cigarettes covers up some of the things that might be lurking in your mouth, getting ready to cause you problems. Give your body some time to adjust to the new you. 

I'm glad the combo is working for you! You ARE a NON-SMOKER!!! 🙂