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Turning the Tide

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So I am on day 3 and I think it is all starting to sink in.  I read Allen Carr's book, did the quitsmokingonline course, came on here and did all the activities, but the first two days were pretty awful.  Thought I was doing something wrong AGAIN.  Then today, I am going about my business as usual, getting tired, frustrated and a little cranky and finally the voice in my head answered back, but I don't smoke anymore.  Just like that.  And it kept happening all day long.  The thought would pop up that I want to smoke and the answer came, but I don't smoke anymore.  It was really cool. I know I still need to work at this and keep reading and coming here, but it feels like a big weight has lifted for me.  Now it's not I can't smoke, it's simply I don't smoke.  That little phrase just makes it so much easier to let the craving pass. 

Thank you all for letting me come here and just type whatever my little heart desires.  I have very little support IRL.  Haven't even told my family yet because I have definitely been the girl who cried quit far too many times before.  But I have never felt like this before about a quit.  This is my time.  I am committed and I am done.  After a little more time has passed i will let my familty know, but the judgement from them when I fail is too scary.  I don't need that anxiety over my head.

Anyway just wanted to say it was a good day and thank you for the support. 


Good for you, being willing and committed to quitting smoking are crucial. You've done the preparation for your quit .I congratulate you on 3 precious smoke free days and counting, once your family and friends realize that you are serious about quitting smoking they will be very proud of you, don't worry about anything just concentrate on you. 



The first few days were ones I never ever want to go thru again! Congrats on making it thru them! I'm basically a newbie too ..... have quit for 38 days. It is a great support system here! Ask and they jump in to give you advise or places to look for advise.

I too read Allen Carr's book which made me look at the addiction in a different view that made so much sense and reinforced quitting for me.

It has been getting easier as each day passes.


there you go. I don't do that anymore either.


Yay YOU! You don't smoke anymore. Keep up the good work!


You are doing great!! Love that you have already got your inner voice on board 🙂