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Share your quitting journey

Trying for a third time.

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Ok so this is my third attempt at quitting smoking.  I am at my wits end.

I wish there were a smokers camp similar to a fat camp, where you could just go away for a time and quit smoking and relearn how to live a healthy life.  But I neither have the time nor the money to do it anyway.

So I am hoping and praying this attempt is successful.  I have tried to organize a group at my work to no avail.  Everyone I know and deal with on a daily basis smokes and it is hard to not interact with them. it is part of my job.  I have stopped drinking alchohol( I only drank socially at parties, etc..)  I know I am ready to quit because as I am smoking a cigarette, I tell my self that I am an idiot for smoking.  I have tried all the suggestions mentioned on this website and in books.  I don't know what to do anymore.  Hoping this blog and website is my savior.



You are in the right place!  The support on this site is amazing!  Have you set a quit date?


Believe in yourself!  Know that this is right for you and how empowered you will feel when you are free.  You can do it.  I quit 7 days ago and found the Allen Carr book extremely helpful.  Give it a glance, it really speaks to me.

You are not an idiot just an addict, like everyone else here.


I believe you must commit to yourself first.  That is finally what worked for me.  I told myself that no matter what I was feeling, no matter what I wanted the answer would not be a cigarette.  That along with this wonderful site and I have not smoked for 255 days.  You can do this.  Also you must come to this site eveyday.  For me Some days I come several times a day, especially in the beginning.  God bless you.


As everyone is saying above; do you realize that you have an addiction, one of the worst.  There is no more wishing only comitting and doing.  As much as misery loves company, you have to do this on your own, meaning other smokers are not going to join you because you want to quit, but lucky you, you found the right place.  You need to read, read, read and then read some more.  The link avjets gave you above was what made me put out my last cigarette which will be 100 days tomorrow. 

Go read Thomas' blog he just put up, these are the elders you will want to follow and look for guidance, as well as jonescarp a/k/a Dale and of course countless others. 

Set a quite date, don't wait too long, start cutting back showing yourself you don't have to smoke because the nicotine told you to do so.  Everyone has their own way of doing it, I'm a firm believer in just pulling off the band-aide, no NRT, just get hte nicotine out of your system and let's start the journey.

Are your ready?  You should be excitied! 

Bless you Mark for trying again! You will be successful. Never give up. Never quit quitting. You know what they say, practice makes perfect, right?!! This site (I think) is the next best thing to a nonsmoking rehab camp! And it's free!!

Congrats on your quit!  I have been quit now for only 20 days, but 20 days is 20 days!  I have quit many times and just wasn't ready in the past, I don't think.  This site has helped me A LOT since I quit this last time.  It is great to have all the support and like Annb is FREE!!!  I have another website that you can look at too if you want to!  It has helped me in the past!

It is free as well.  Just some good resources! 

I wish you luck with the quit!  Stay strong!  And like others have told me...

N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever! 


First - good decision on deciding to quit. Congratts on that!

Second - calling it an "attempt" is an automatic self-permission to fail.

Make the decision - no option to fail. PERIOD. Get rid of all smoking materials and reminders. Please read the past blogs here for a whole bunch of ideas on how to distract your mind and hands.  Hey - so many of us did this after decades of smoking -YOU CAN TOO!!!

Not One Puff Ever!!  No more "just one" there is no such thing!


Please do the reading - and

Stick around - you can do this! 


So today is my quit day and I had such a rotten day at work that I totally forgot I was quitting.  I was so busy and over worked I didn't even realize that I forgot to put a patch on.  As I was driving home from work it dawned on me that I did not want nor did I have any cigarettes today.  So I think I found my "trick",  Stay busy.  Work does not look to be slowing down anytime soon so maybe just maybe I can quit this time around.  Lets hope.  I'm gonna keep fighting the good fight.