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Share your quitting journey

Trapped in my own head.

0 22 174

I am not about to blow my quit.

However, the last 2 days have been very difficult for me.

I can't seem to get out of my own brainwashed head.

I know it's a trap.

If you could, encourage me please.


I love your new photo!

Now just stop. You know better. And you know that there is no such thing as one.


Thats right, Brenda!

Kim, you will get past this.  You know it gets easier with time.  Just acknowledge the craves and brush them off your shoulder.  Just say " I have a crave" Shrug your shoulders, and say "Meh, no big deal"

Carry on... 🙂


come on kim, we are all in your corner. your tough and are going to knock this demon out. proud of you.... it will pass..


Hi Genesis.  My quit date was Christmas.  What helps me when I'm feeling week is looking at gross pictures online of cancerous lungs, people breathing through a tracheotomy in their throat, stroke victims, etc.  That helps get me through the crave.  Hopefully, it will help you too.

Keep up the good work!!!  You're at the toughest time now.  The first two weeks were tortuous for me.  Then, all of a sudden, you stop thinking about it as often.  The thoughts lessen and lessen with everyday.  I promise you!


To add to jdesco311's idea I used to look up videos of people with nasty smokers cough.  Sure did help!!


You are going to succeed in your precious quit Kim because you don't smoke anymore, positive thinking and keeping your mind as well as your hands occupied and if you can get out and walk, I used to give my head a shake when I got a bad crave in the first few weeks of my quit and tell myself that I don't do that anymore, stay strong and hang tough because you are sooooooo much stronger than you realize. 



If you haven't done any reading in Relapse Traps of late, DO. 


And PS - don't forget your sense of HUMOR!    You're just quitting smoking, not having a double amputation for goodness sake!


Lets just calm down here! What do you mean you fell asleep?

Have you tried just changing your location?

Have you tried setting a bar of soap on your shoulder?


Hi Kim, Dale posted a blog right before this one and Thomas commented. there is a link in that comment. Go click on that! YUCK! Relapse traps is good, sense of humor is necessary! I have no idea what Dale is talking about, just shake your head! Don't let those craves and smoking thoughts rattle around in your head. Find something to do! I am glad you are here and glad you posted! Keep moving forward!

Terrie  192  DOF


You just need to keep your  mind OFF smoking!  Call a friend, play a computer game, take slow/deep breaths, sing/dance to your favorite music,  do a jumping jack (yes - just TRY that - tee-hee!). 

I am so glad you came here BEFORE you smoked.  Good job!!!!!



the 3 Bars (of Soap) Crave Buster

If you balance a bar of soap on your shoulder and change location (move around trying to keep it balanced) I guarantee you have to focus on that and not smoking. If you master that, try one on each shoulder. if you get that, do one on your head too.


With your red hair we could write a story called

Ariel and the Three Bars


It all comes with the territory Kim. Distract yourself. I think if you go to Dale's page you will find a list somewhere along the lines of 100 things to do instead of smoke. Some ideas are a little bizarre but after all it is Dale. I mean just look 2 replies above mine.

Just keep on workin your plan & hangin around reading & posting. You're gonna be okay.

Keep on keepin on,


Thanks everyone! My brother drove from Lousville, Ky today to Cincinnati to support me.

He wants me to be successful also! God love him! I am not going to smoke, I gave that up!

There are other things going on in life for me right now that have me out of sorts and fearful, ther...

Currently, I'm unemployed and while bills are still coming due,there is no money coming in. It's jus...

I am going to hold on to my quit, I just needed a little support today.

I am going to balance bars of soap on my head and shoulders tonight with the addition of juggling tennis balls, if anyone needs me tonight.

Thank you everyone, I love the support of this community!



I encouage you to stay calm take deep breaths ......breathe through the crave and exhale slowly as you exhale feel all of your tension flow out of your body .

In the beginning of my quit when it was most difficult I went to you tube and did some of the quit smoking self hypnosis videos they are not that long and doing them just a few times seemed to really help me . I did them at night before bedtime . I found them to be very relaxing . Another thing that is very very important is to never let the negative thoughts take over ....self talk them right out og your head and Dale's "I don't do that anymore " is a good starting point ! i know you can do this !

Keep strong and carry on stay on Ex as much as you need to and vent and blog ! You are right about there never being a perfect time to quit but think of the money you are saving not wasting on cigarettes Life is not easy but it is better without that nasty addiction !


It sounds like your brother loves you very much Kim, you can and will succeed in this your precious forever quit, I am very happy that you have your brother with you. Stay willing, committed, determined and strong and keep moving forward my friend. I love Dales suggestions for helping you stay distracted and I bet they will work too. 



Thank you Bonnie and Marilyn!

 I am getting myself composed!!


Have you followed DJ's blog? Her work situation? She was in a bad place on losing her job but though she was low on hope, work at a better job came her way.

Think of what you would like to do and perhaps we can help steer you with some ideas?


I have not followed DJ's Blog.

I am a medical Assistant. I usually work in Dr.'s offices taking vitals, drawing blood, injections, etc...I want to continue doing this work but there just aren't many openings right now. I am on job seeking sites like Monster, Careerbuilder and Indeed every day looking and sending out my resume.

Many medical facilities don't hire smokers. Most want you to be free for 90 days before you apply. There are facilities that don't check for smoking with the drug screen but they are fewer. I'm pretty sure something will come along soon and if not, I will try to find something part time that allows me to search in my field.


Don't let thoughts of smoking undermine your search. Let's get you through No Mans Land.


You don't have to feel trapped-you've made the decision to free yourself from the trap of addiction and are succeeding. Smoking won't fix a thing-it just makes your life harder. When you find a job you won't be longing for a smoke break or smell like an ashstray to your co-workers and patients after lunch. You've quit before. Stay the course. One day at a time. You don't have to spend money on dried up tobacco leaves. Be confident- you can stay smoke free. You've done it before and you can do it now.