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I changed my profile pic today! After being on this site for 145 days and making it to 138 DOF I put my Great Granddaughter up as my profile pic!

Having a bit of a rough today, I actually had a craving for a smoke today,worse one I have had through my whole quit! I locked myself in the bathroom and cried it out, I know this is not the most mature way to handle a craving but it was so strong it physically hurt me and it scared me to think that I was actually contemplating going to the store to get a pack of smokes. The store is within walking distance of my house only 3/10 of a mile from door to door so that really made it hard also. I have told the girls that work there to not sell me cigarettes no matter how much I beg them but I cannot let them be responsible for my quit. I have to keep this quit thing in my control, I have made it this far and will continue to make it, just one minute, one hour, one day at a time. NOPE forever will be my first line of defense and a locked bathroom door will be the second, haha.

I like this quit thing to much to let it go now. I have come through the fire and am now at the point of seeing the rejuvenation begin and I refuse to let it all be destroyed!

I am heading to the kitchen now to make a cheese cake for my wonderfully supportive husband, who took his smokes and hid them from me, and refused to let me have one. Even when I called him some choice colorful names, lol.

I pray today that each one of us protects our precious quits just as strongly as we protect our children, grand children and great grandchildren from all harm.

I like this quit thing.



Hi Laurie! Hate to hear your having it rough! Hang in there girl! Day 138 is great and things should be getting a little easier soon! (at least that's what they say! You should be coming out of NML)Hang in there!

Terrie  68  DOF


Whatever keeps you from giving up your quit is what you do. You are doing great and no doubt another craving may hit or maybe not, just keep going forward.  Stay close to EX and blog for help if and when you need it.

Congrats on 138 DOF.


THAT ... IS ... NOT ... ENCOURAGING ... !!!  That you are having so rough a day at 138. OMG.  I am only on day 14.  I am having a difficult day today as well.  I know beating this thing is mental but my cravings are very, veRY, VERY much physical.  I have this sensation in my chest, I guess my lungs that just won't quit nagging me.  What is that?  I thought the nicotine went to my brain.  What is the physical sensation that I'm feeling in my chest?  It sort of reminds me of the ticklish, pricklish feeling my hands have when I've been operating vibrating machinery like a lawn mower for any lenghty time, except this is in my chest.  It's really a grand nuisance!



Hopefully these will be fewer and further between now - I mean REALLY far and sparse!  Perhaps this is the addict within giving its final, lethal shot to the bow?

You DIDN'T smoke - you cried and fought and came here.  Good for you!!!



P.S.  Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous baby!!!

Lucky lady!


I like this quit thing too! If people were honest, a lot of us had several good crying sessions in the first months of our quit. I'm glad you stayed strong! That is one adorable baby!


I don't want to discourage you ,but my Dad stopped smoking for 20 years and said that at times he still wanted a cig. but that after a min. it went away. So believe me when I say ,it will get better. I can't believe that not smoking for 6 years I went back to smoking. Its harder to stop this time as my husband still smokes.



Those days happen.  Any time.  Any season.  After any amount of time.  Ya done good.  And so did your husband!  lol 

You know, something you might put in your quit kit for a future Nico onslaught is just a little piece of paper with something that will lock your focus onto something else, something you can meditate on.  A saying your write or a quote that resonates with you.  I have a couple that I made.  The first are my words on someone else's background, the second my photo with someone else's words.  Come up with your own.  Part of this journey is discovering the magic of our creativity to work through cravings.

Never stop protecting your quit.  It's one of your most prized possessions.




Nothin' wrong with tears, you got over that hump and it sounds like it was a really BIG one, you are all the stronger for it!  Congratulations.

Your great granddaughter is precious...yeah, you want to be there for her!


You only added to the river we have all contributed to. Emotions run rampant when you cut Ol' Nic off from his supply.


It's OK...It really is.  When I had a mini melt down a few days ago people on this site said I am still early in my quit.  So I feel like it is normal to have craves/memories at this point. I have exactly 30 days less than you do.  I'm willing to accept that it will take longer to feel more comfortable with my quit.  I'm not willing to give up or give in.  So, let's just ride the storm out together.  Crying is good.  Let it out.  My emotions have been all over the map.  And that's OK too!    Beautiful baby!   CP


I love your profile pic of your beautiful great grandaughter, I did a lot of crying in the first few months of my quit and that's ok because I didn't smoke and neither did you, you  made it my friend and hopefully tommorrow will be a great day, hang tough because you really are doing super fantastic with your quit. 



I found when one of those days arises the next day is absolutely fine.  Carry on.  You are doing great!


And this too shall pass ........and it does after 138 days those times of heavy cravings will get fewer and fewer ! You have made it this far keep it going !

I had to laugh when you said hubby would not give you a cig even after a few choice words because i have been through that with my room mate  too .... a Number of times ! I also am glad she would not give me one Because it does pass and we do like this quit thing ....right ? right !


Oh and PS ......Your great grand daughter is beautiful ! it is so nice not to be smoking around the babies ! What is her name ?

About the Author
I quit smoking for a several reasons. The first was for ME their were 3 that I call great grands and 8 that I call grands.