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Share your quitting journey

Today is my quit day but my divorce was just final yesterday and it fell on the day we meet 13 years ago. I can't quit now!

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Today should be my quit day but my divorce was finalized yesterday and it fell on the day that my ex and I met 13 years ago. 

So the day we met is the day it ended. 

I have been smoking only 3 a day because I knew this day was coming and could not quit.  Weekends I smoke maybe 6-8 but I can't do it now and I really want to stop those 3 but how?


Every excuse is another reason to smoke.  Stop the excuses and you'll beat the addiction.  Commit to your quit..  It has to become the most important thing in your life.


Hi Bruno,

I am so sorry to hear about your divorce. Wow what timing. 

When it comes to quitting everyone is different. There are many options that you can use quit. Setting a quit date seems to help for some. The use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy is also an aide to quit. You will get all kinds of answers here on EX. 

I am new quitter myself. Today is number 33 for me. I waited until I finished my last pack then I quit the next day. I have used the nicotine gum and the patch sparingly. It has been there for emergency purposes only. The cravings will creep up on at any given time. Focusing on One Day at a Time is also helpful. For today I am smoke free. This causes less stress. It helps you to look at  quitting for each day instead of looking at it like you're entering a big black hole (so to speak).

Coming here to EX is extremely helpful. Come here and Blog, Blog, Blog. Also, Read, Read, Read.....

Hope this helps...

Please come back!

N.O.P.E.! (Not one puff ever)


Hi bruno and welcome to Ex! You are still in DENIAL and giving yourself EXCUSES to smoke....we cannot smoke and not smoke because smoking is an addiction and must be treated as such...not just a want to...or a try to...

The most important thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ fo a successful quit...the more you read, the easier it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not try. Educate yourself by reading these links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Hey there Brunoc

Sure you can quit! It's all in how you think about it. You can brood and crawl into yourself and smoke yourself silly, believing you're making yourself better, or... can get on with it and take the first great steps of your new life and the journey there!

I've been there and done that and you can piss away a lot of time if you don't move on. Worry about the things you can do something about and get on with your future... the past is just that... the past.

I've got crap in my past that would turn most people to a quiverin pile of jelly. I don't dwell there and rarely go there because it hurts and it's ugly.

I got for now, and the future, and when necessary, I pop on those rose-colored glasses.

Now, go get a pack of 4 mg nicotine gum and get ready for tomorrow. Smoke your last smokes tonight... or don't smoke.. whatever, then toss what's left... in the trash and pour water over the smokes so you can't retrieve them. Say haleluja if you want and celebrate the moment.

Go to sleep and wake up fresh and new... spouse and smoke free!

If you've got time, take a quick, brisk walk before you head out for work or whatever is ahead in your day... take a piece of that gum with you.

If you feel a nicotine craving coming on, gnaw on that piece of gum for about 10 chews or until you feel the tingle then park that baby next to your gums (that can get tricky to write about... nictotine gum, gums by your teeth and chewing gum... good grief).

That's what the gum if for, to take off the edge.

So... get on it and get quit. Hang out here with your fellow quitters... you will find you are not alone and we all hit days that we think we can't get through without a smoke. In time, you will find that is complete bull puckie. Right now with a smoke in your fist, it may not feel that way, probably doesn't, but, it is!

Use this site for all it's worth... write, ask questions and hang in there. You can quit and learn to live (operative word there) without smokes!

Drink a lot of water and laugh alot... that's the ticket!

Happy Trails!


Sorry to hear about your divorce I know that this is a very dramatic experience I have been there, but also know that smoking is not going to take the pain away or make things any better that will come with time.

Before I quit smoking I would always say I will try next week, next month, next year got way to much going on and it would just be to hard, yes it is going to be hard no matter what is going on in your life you just got to decide that you do not want to smoke ever again.

When you do put that last cigarette down there is help, people who have been there and are going through the same thing are always here to help just come on in and let folks help you and you will find that you are stronger then you think.   


Keep your head up and remember someone is always just a blog away.


I think this is a great time to quit.  A perfect time to do something for you, what better gift to give - The gift of life.  You can do it come here often.   READ<READ<READ< and Read;


One habit gone another soon to be gone! Life is full of bad habits, but decisions to change that habits are within every person no matter what the circumstances.You will do this and when u sigh in relief it will feel wonderful


Look At It As A New Life.

Make The Most of it


You certainly can quit now, if you really want to! Put them down and never look back. It's a bright new future without cigarettes. Everyday will get better. Listen to the advice from above.


so sorry about your devorce I have been throught that myself. Know how you feel but you can quit smoking like dale said its gonna be  a brand new life smoke free...


you'll get all the usppor tyou need here in the community.