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Share your quitting journey

The Fire Within

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~~Sky above me, Earth below me, Fire within me.  I believe in me.~~  Unknown


I seldom give advice about quitting.  There is so much of it here and I am one small voice in a crowd.  My opinions, my ideas, and my thoughts about quitting are right for me, but not necessarily for everyone.  However, sometimes I feel an overwhelming urge to come here and remind newbies...and sometimes not so newbies...that the successful quit comes not from others, not from a website, not from a book, but a forever quit comes from within.

Books, websites, friends, and "elders" are excellent (I would venture to say vital) supports for those quitting.  One can gain knowledge, confidence, and skills through reading, talking to others, and sharing experiences.  I am in no way ignoring how very much these things aid in a forever quit.

But if one's best quit buddy is not available....when the book has said it all the same way for months....when sharing becomes more important than taking care of one's self.....recovery is threatened.

You quit, my lovely quitter, comes from within you.  It is a small spark of hope that you can overcome this addiction.  It is a flickering light of faith that if others can quit, maybe it is true that you can as well.  And when you nuture that spark and give energy to that flickering light, you create your own magnificent fire within yourself.

Soon you begin to understand that when you successfully don't smoke for one hour, you can make it to two.  When you accept that smoking is not an option for YOU anymore, you find healthy alternatives, positive coping skills, and encouraging support.  You grow into the lovely, amazing quitter that is within you waiting for the change to blossom.

It's there.  I know it is.  No doubt.  But you have to feel it.  You have to nuture it.  You have to bring it forth.  And when you do, nothing and no one will ever be able to take it away from you.  No traumatic event, no cruel person, no uncontrollable situation.  Because YOU own it. 

It's a most miraculous feeling, my friends.  You look at the world differently when you own your quit.  You feel so different when you believe in yourself. 

So take what you need here.  Educate yourself.  Build those everlasting friendships.  Gain knowledge and support.  But don't forget the bottom line.  It's YOUR quit.  Its up to you and only you to build it, nuture it, and own it.  ~~Believe in yourself and all that you are.  Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.~~  Christian D. Larson

I believe in you and I hope I have passed you a spark that may grow into a fire inside you.  Believe you can do it.

Take good care, my friends.



AMEN my dear Sheri



congratulations on your forever quit.

reward yourself for your milestones and you will remember how far you have come.





I especially like the part about when the need to share and chat become MORE important than the responsibility of saving a quit. Right on the money! You are one of the few people here who could deliver that idea with finesse and strength. Thank you!



I keep coming here to fan those flames!! Tend your fires everyone!!


Ditto what Pirfan said...

Love you Sheri!


424 dof


Well said indeed my friend.I value my quit,also value all the knowledge and support from all my buddues here.T.Y peace.


Thank you Sheri i needed that today mary


Well said, as usual, Sheri. Thank you.  Our quits do come from within us, maintaining them and caring for them belongs to US...I must say though that without the support and the education that I get here, I would likely have failed early on.  I could have convinced myself that my breathing was getting better, I have done it in the past.  I cannot lie to others but I can lie to myself and I did very successfully for years and years and years.


I learned yesterday how important sharing and getting support from all you EXers is.