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Share your quitting journey

The Battle...

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I am so tired of SMOKING... and saying that i'm going to quit...  I just want to be at that place where I can honesly say that  "I am NOT a smoker"!


Welcome to our community. One of the elders will be along and post some links to some reading you might find very helpful. Stay close to the site and blog often if you feel the need. Read other peoples blogs that you think might be helpful to you.

If you need help with a crave or urge to smoke, post with help in the subject and someone will come running to try and help you.

You can do this if you really want it and are willing to work for it.



Thank you very much Larry!

I have questioned my sanity as to if I do want to quit... been saying for so long! After I posted my blog was headed for a smoke when your email caught my eye... I realized support is needed it instantly made me accountalbe to my words that I just wrote and I teared up.. CAN I REALLY DO THIS... HOW BAD TO WANT IT???

Thanks again!!!


Well then Lets Do This Sophie !! You will receive so much information, kind encouragement and wisdom form these fine folks here, it will be a walk in the park for you, all you have to do is to listen and be determend to make this your final Quit..

It starts today, repeat after me : As of right now, I AM A NON SMOKER!!



WOW... I said it and  did not think I would be getting this emotional...  Haha. Thank you for the kind words wisdom and encouragement Marion!

I have wanted a smoke since 9am... it's 10:46 now 

I'm drinking water... breathing, reading on this site and FIGHTING IT!!!!


After a few days of sticking close to this site and all the reading you will be doing you will see that there is a new you on the horizon.  You will get the true meaning of nicotine and how it has such an incredible hold on you and your life.  You will also learn how to kill the monster once and for all.  It takes time and effort on your part but It can be done.  I was a pack and a half smoker for over thiirty years and today I am at day 109 quit.  I believe in you- and you- need to believe in you,  Lets Get Quit!!!

We are all here to help you.


Ms. "J"


Thank you Ms "J"!!! ... 11:24am and NO smoke.... your right this site is a blessing and my new horizon is my desitnation!!! It does encourag me that if you can do it... than so can I! What JOY you much feel to be free from that MONSTER!!!


Amen Sophie Amen! 😉


it's all in how you approach it, you can go farther than your expectations.

quitting and the freedom is indescribable



congrats on finally making the decision come here and reach out. We are all here for you from start to finish.

I know the spot you are in.. its like. I enjoy smoking.. but not really.. i enjoy the intital inhale but then feel bad to what its doing to my body and bank account, but a hour later for some reason you light up again.. its a strong addicition. I also tried stopping many times on every aid possible.. finally chantix did work for kick starting me.. but what really helped was a book written by Allen Carr called Easy way to quit smoking. I know there a a free link for the book.. im sure someone will post it here, if not i will find it and post it to you.

once you made up your mind.. the rest is just a little time and a crave a way from being on day 88 like me.. It really is nice to say im finnally free from smoking.


Good luck and dont hesitate to contact anyone on here!



I found the link someone gave me on my first blog.

It will change how you look at smoking


The free Allen Carr book you can download at:

The 10-lesson course at:


Please read Jonescarp a/k/a Dale's blogs about the fact that this is not a battle.  When you white knuckle it and think of it as a fight, you are actually thinking about smoking.  The point is to not think about smoking.  So, don't think about it so hard.  I share this because I started as a dig my heals in gear up for a good fight quitter.  And my first week was pure misery.  It was when one of the elders here taught me that I needed to stop fighting and just let the thoughts come in then boot them to the curb quickly, rather than dwelliing on them, that my quit became easier, and easier, and easier with time.  You can do this.  Now, on to some advice I hope will be  of help to you.  You really can do this.  If I can, you can!

Strongly suggest the following readings:

John Ryan’s  You can read on your computer free, or for a $20 contribution they will download it to you via Adobe. Then you can print it. You'll also get a daily support email for three weeks.

Allen Carr’s “Easy Way to Quit Smoking.”  Here is a link to a free copy:

Plan for what to do instead of smoke – check out this list:

Write a list of your reasons for quitting and post it on your page, and keep with you at all times.  Write a farewell letter to sickorettes telling them why you no longer want them in your life.  Both are great to refer back to as you continue your journey.

Stay on this site as much as possible and listen to these folks on here. They have your back. And if you need to, do the readings (Carr & Quitsmokingonline) again. Yes, again. I say this from EXperience! The more we read the readings and delve into the wisdom on this site, the less room nicodemon has. Reinforcement is good - retrain the brain.

The readings are essential. Getting the proper mindset is THE key. Go look at that list of things to do. I’ll say it again- stay close to this site.  

When you need or want to, blog: a) distracts nicodemon; b) helps you help yourself; c) introduces you to new friends on this site; d) gives you a wealth of support from folks on this site; e) by the time passes from you writing and you reading the replies, any craving you may have had will likely have – passed!

When you find someone on this site whose comments resonate with you... go to their page and read some of their old blogs and the comments to those blogs.  There, you will likely find affirmation.  There are many golden nuggets on this site.

I PROMISE you it does get better. Please trust us when we tell you that. We mean it.

It is WIT (Whatever It Takes) time. Knaw on that gum. Suck a lemon. Jumping jacks (exercise releases that dopamine that brain likes!). A bath. A nap. A tall glass of water......

You CAN and WILL do this.

Not smoking deprives you of nothing.  Smoking deprives you of everything.

Cigarettes are not worth the trouble, and you are worth the effort.


"Nicotine doesn’t relieve it, it causes it." Allen Carr

The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you.


Thank you so much Scott! I had been perscribed Chantix... haha Sorry... just thinking out loud! I heard Chantix was bad for you so... I never took it and kept smoking!!! I can't even believe that I'm saying this out loud. LOL I might just call doc and acutally take it this time... and I am going to check out the download!!!

Great job on your sucess... it's 12:42 and still haven't satisifed that 9am craving!!!!





Really good stuff and I'm following each and every step that you wrote!!!

Very grateful!!